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Top SRPG Games

Top SRPG Games

Banner of Moon 2999

Moon 2999

Turn-Based TacticsReal Time TacticsColony SimSci-fiAction RPGTurn-Based StrategyStrategyRPG
Moon 2999 is a RPG game about Units & resources management, single-player or co-op action missions game set in a lunar base and its nearby space environment.Set in the year 2999, advancements in tec.....
Banner of Blood Nor Water

Blood Nor Water

Turn-Based TacticsTacticalTurn-Based StrategyStrategyRPGWarTop-DownFantasy
Heroism and Tragedy.The Old King is dead. With hunger and unrest rising throughout the land, the King's nephew and Steward seizes the empty throne from his cousin, who responds by invading at th...
Banner of The Destiny Of Nagari

The Destiny Of Nagari

Action RPGActionRPGFamily FriendlyAdventureOpen WorldFantasyMedieval
Complete the King's enchanted Book to unlock valuable magical worlds and master the forces of the four elements; fire, water, earth by engaging in a variety of unique puzzles and challenges in order t...
Banner of The Visitor

jogos que eu não sei como e mais eu quero jogar

Banner of Mercator


Pixel GraphicsTacticalAgricultureHistoricalCapitalismCraftingRPGPoint & Click
Mercator is an item shop game inspired by the several shopkeeper games from the days of Flash to the late 2010s. Set in late Classical Antiquity, you will explore cities and set up businesses from Sou...
Banner of 君与天下


Real Time TacticsTurn-Based StrategyStrategyRPGCasualMassively MultiplayerWarPolitical Sim
《君与天下》官方客服QQ:3468443840《君与天下》官方客服邮箱:[email protected]背景故事东汉末年,朝廷黑暗,皇权虚弱,太平道张角星夜举兵,声势浩大,官军望风而靡。玩家化身贤主,收复城池,招募武将,参与战役,赢得国战,只为终结乱世,成为一代王者。初入游戏,留给玩家的是一座被黄巾军攻陷的城池,形势危急!贤明的玩家将带领将士,收复宫殿,广纳贤才,复兴生产;并在在战役中追缴黄.....
Banner of Cube Arena

Cube Arena

Pixel GraphicsAction RPGVoxelActionStrategyFirst-PersonRPGVR
Cube Arena is the First person MOBA with crossplatform support. You can play it on both VR headset and flatscreen PC4 playable classes with unique skills:1. Warrior - a melee based class who has a ...
Banner of Office Party

Office Party

CinematicRomanceSandboxStrategyFirst-PersonRPGLGBTQ+Character Customization
Take your escapades into the Office and other new locations in this long awaited sequel to House Party! You've made it through the interview process and you're starting a new job. Make a good impres.....
Banner of Barbarian Outpost

Barbarian Outpost

Real Time TacticsAction RPGActionStrategyCraftingRPGTop-DownCharacter Customization
Build and manage your base, equip your barbarians with powerful gear, and lead them into the wilds to face formidable foes and uncover hidden treasures. Experience strategic combat, resource managemen...
Banner of 寻回小队 Recovery Team

寻回小队 Recovery Team

Welcome to the Recovery Squad!Long-term coma issues? Sleep quality problems?They have come to an end in this century!We can provide you with professional equipment and secure measures to enter the...
Banner of They Remain

They Remain

Post-apocalypticAction RPGSurvivalZombiesActionStrategyRealisticRPG
In They Remain embark on a harrowing journey of survival in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by the undead. In this massively multiplayer online game, band together with other survivors to scavenge fo...
Banner of Mini Galaxy

Mini Galaxy

Pixel GraphicsAbstractGrand StrategySci-fiBoomer ShooterBullet HellStrategyRoguelike
A fleet is ready to serve you, and you are about to step into this vast galaxy divided by heroes, full of opportunities and challenges. You will fight to the death with interstellar pirates, experienc...
Banner of Autonomous GODS

Autonomous GODS

Asynchronous MultiplayerTacticalReal Time TacticsArena ShooterActionStrategyRPGDeckbuilding
Autonomous is an online real-time tactics game that employs a card-based gameplay mechanic. The objective of the game is to strategically build a powerful deck that can outsmart opponents in one-on-.....
Banner of Kick Them All

Kick Them All

Tower DefenseSportsRhythmCasualAdventureSRPGSingleplayerArcade
Self-defense is not a crime—it's a necessity! Welcome to Kick Them All, the ultimate game where you'll learn to protect yourself from street hooligans while having a blast. Gain invaluable knowledge a...
Banner of 神魔决之江湖行


Turn-Based TacticsTurn-Based StrategyJRPGRPGAdventureRPGMakerFantasySRPG
对游戏有疑虑的朋友可以先试玩下Demo,Demo存档可以在正式版中继续使用,若Demo玩起来还不错再考虑入手。该游戏是一款独立制作的仙侠风格的战棋角色扮演游戏。故事开始主角弈剑秋为了追回被人盗走的魔剑离开门派,途中遇到女主顾梦瑶,随后二人一起展开一段冒险,冒险途中也会有各具特色的队友加入其中,众人共同应对强敌,最终将其击败。 游戏中会遇到各种各样的队友,可以邀请总共20位特点鲜明的角色入队,每个角...
Banner of Little Library

Little Library

Pixel GraphicsCapitalismEducationalStrategyRPGCasualFamily FriendlyOpen World
You have moved to the quaint village of Maplewood, tasked with running a brand-new library to help restore a struggling community. But revitalizing the library isn’t easy, and funding is tight. To mak...
Banner of Clowned King

Clowned King

Turn-Based TacticsPixel GraphicsTacticalTurn-Based StrategyStrategyJRPGRPGFantasy
In a world made of glass......an exiled Prince conceals his bloody past behind a mask of laughter.TACTICAL FANTASY JRPGClowned King is a Turn Based Tactics in which you lead a Performing Troupe of C.....
Banner of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition

Netflix Exclusive, but really good

Banner of Faith Of Life _ Survive Edition

Faith Of Life _ Survive Edition

Post-apocalypticArena ShooterSci-fiAction RPGSurvivalActionTurn-Based StrategyStrategy
In this third-person combat shooter game, you'll experience a mix of zombie, action, horror, and sci-fi elements. There are two distinct missions modes available, including an exhilarating arena mode....
Banner of Burgleville


Pixel GraphicsActionCartoonyProcedural GenerationCasualFamily FriendlyTop-DownSRPG
Burgleville is a 2D top down stealth game where you'll sneak around, break into houses, pick locks, crack safes, steal stuff, run from the police, and go on missions.You can switch anytime between s.....
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