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Top Visual Novel Games

Top Visual Novel Games

Banner of There is NO PLAN B

There is NO PLAN B

Text-BasedDetectivePoint & ClickVisual NovelAdventureSingleplayerCrimePuzzle
An English translated demo version is in the works! Please add our game to your Wishlist!『There is NO PLAN B』 is a 「Narrative Adventure Game」 featuring Anime Style characters with world-class Spin...
Banner of The Palaces of The Mind: Chapter One

The Palaces of The Mind: Chapter One

GoreDarkLootDemonsPoint & ClickVisual NovelPvEAdventure
First Episode of "Not a Good Fairy Tale"The Palaces of The Mind is a 2D mystical adventure that tells the story of how the most ordinary day of two friends turned into a nightmare. Becca, her owl Dol...
Banner of Citizen Zein

Citizen Zein

IdlerRPGPoint & ClickCRPGVisual NovelAdventureViolentSingleplayer
Citizen Zein is a narrative role—playing game with Point'n'Click elements.You are a retired military man who has just returned to his hometown. Now you are free to choose your own path. But remembe...
Banner of Valiant Hearts: Coming Home

Top World War I Games

Banner of Cursed Angel: Time Paradox

Cursed Angel: Time Paradox

Dating SimGrand StrategySandboxDarkActionSuperheroStrategyRPG
The video showcases actual gameplay without the use of pre-rendered content.RTS game modeThird Person game modeKEY FEATURESBecome a super hero, dragon or command legendary legions to kill demo...
Banner of BeYourCat


CinematicDating SimRomanceIdlerFirst-PersonJRPGRPGVisual Novel
“Be Your Cat” is a live-action interactive game, and we want players to experience something different in this game. The player will be the first person to change and influence the people around him t...
Banner of Arthur & Susan: Almost Detectives

Arthur & Susan: Almost Detectives

CartoonyInteractive FictionDetectivePoint & ClickVisual NovelCasualFamily FriendlyAdventure
Arthur and Susan are the two main playable characters, offering unique perspectives. Decide who speaks and when, as each has their distinct way of tackling challenges.30 captivating characters, ea...
Banner of Cage of Roses

Cage of Roses

Dating SimRomanceVampireHistoricalDarkPsychologicalThrillerInteractive Fiction
Meike is the daughter of the noble von Essen family. Once one of the wealthiest families in Germany, the von Essen name has since been tarnished after a string of bad business decisions led them to fi...
Banner of Guardian Goddess

Guardian Goddess

God GameDating SimRomanceText-BasedIdlerPsychologicalStrategyHorror
The heroine with a mysterious past gets a job in a store in the underworld. A male doll will help her with this work. But perhaps they've met before.Features:* Genres: otome, romance, drama, fantas...
Banner of 谍影成双


RomanceHistoricalAction RPGInteractive FictionStrategyDetectiveRPGPoint & Click
Banner of I Fell In Love With A Fantasy Farmer

I Fell In Love With A Fantasy Farmer

Lore-RichDating SimRomanceAgriculturePoint & ClickVisual NovelLGBTQ+Adventure
Check out🔗linkAbout the Game"I Fell In Love With A Fantasy Farme...
Banner of Rebirth! New Lover

Rebirth! New Lover

RomanceRetroInteractive FictionVisual NovelCasualFantasySingleplayer
【Game Introduction】Song Xuan unexpectedly traveled to ancient times, where he met several emotional partners who sincerely treated him. There are five female characters with different personalities, i...
Banner of On Call

On Call

EducationalLinearInteractive FictionMedical SimVisual NovelCasualSingleplayerSimulation
About the GameOn Call is a visual novel that invites you to work a rotation at Merritt General Hospital to learn about stress management for workers in the healthcare industry.Key FeaturesDuring ...
Banner of ことのはレルナード


Visual NovelLGBTQ+AdventureSingleplayerAnime
希望の“ことのは”……もっと、交わして。Ĉu vi volas paroli la lingvon "Juliamo"?あなたはユリアーモを話したいですか?純百合ADV『ことのはアムリラート』から派生した異世界語学アプリ異世界に飛ばされて困惑する女子高生・凜(りん)と共に、かわいい女の子たちから現地の言葉(ことのは)を学びましょう!※1.すでに『ことのはアムリラート』を体験済みで...
Banner of Tales Of Aravorn: Reign Of War

Tales Of Aravorn: Reign Of War

RomanceTurn-Based StrategyJRPGRPGCRPGVisual NovelLGBTQ+Character Customization
Not much time has passed since the events of An Elven Marriage. The demons, led by Zeal and Jul, have begun striking again. This time, however, they're doing it in a different way, using cunning and.....
Banner of Solse AI-Quest

Solse AI-Quest

Turn-Based TacticsPixel GraphicsTurn-Based StrategyJRPGRPGVisual NovelTop-DownAdventure
What if characters in RPGs would actually have personalities, world-knowledge, backstories and motivations? What if you could interact with them and get a more immersive experience?This is what Sols.....
Banner of Tead


Text-BasedSurvivalPsychologicalLinearStrategyVisual NovelAdventureTrains
Tead is a murder mystery visual novel game inspired by Danganronpa, Phoenix Wright and others.12 strangers wake up in a room. They're told one of them is secretly the Game Master, and they must...
Banner of MARVEL Super War


Banner of Data Garden

Data Garden

LinearPoint & ClickVisual NovelCasualRelaxingTypingPuzzleHand-drawn
A text-less comic-game hybrid about data, interaction and digital identity. In this click & click adventure you will have a single button to advance in the story: a virtual routine of a content consum...
Banner of 溢爱~fragile love

溢爱~fragile love

Dating SimRomanceVisual NovelCasualLGBTQ+AdventureSingleplayerStory Rich
《溢爱~fragile love》是XUWULE游戏工作室制作的一款百合题材视觉小说,讲述一个少女暗恋另一个少女的故事...Story-对任何事都感到索然无味,却唯独对一个人弱水三千,只取一瓢饮...现实中每天的朝夕相处却不得不隐藏心中的爱意,只能网络上这个无人知晓的树洞中宣泄。直到某一天,终于被她发现了这个秘密...因为喜欢你,所以不能告诉你...一段女生间甜蜜而又苦涩的爱恋...
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