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Banner of FANTASI STELLA 1.0.21
Screenshot 1 of FANTASI STELLA 1.0.21
Screenshot 2 of FANTASI STELLA 1.0.21
Screenshot 3 of FANTASI STELLA 1.0.21
Screenshot 4 of FANTASI STELLA 1.0.21
Screenshot 5 of FANTASI STELLA 1.0.21
Screenshot 6 of FANTASI STELLA 1.0.21
Screenshot 7 of FANTASI STELLA 1.0.21
Screenshot 8 of FANTASI STELLA 1.0.21
Screenshot 9 of FANTASI STELLA 1.0.21
Screenshot 10 of FANTASI STELLA 1.0.21
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Initial release Aug 31, 2023
"Stella Fantasy adalah RPG anime koleksi karakter NFT berkualitas tinggi, di mana pengguna menjadi petualang dan melakukan perjalanan melalui tanah mistis Reterra. Dengan gudang berbagai konten, seperti Abyss Invader di mana pengguna dapat melawan bos ganas dan bersaing satu sama lain, Mirage Garden di mana pengguna dapat menantang berbagai tahapan, dan alur cerita yang menghibur, Stella Fantasy telah memikat hati banyak gamer di seluruh dunia sejak diluncurkan secara global pada bulan April 2023. Stella Fantasy menonjol sebagai game unik karena gameplay-nya yang berbeda. untuk memperkenalkan sistem yang mengharuskan pemain untuk mempertimbangkan banyak faktor selama pertempuran. Tidak seperti kebanyakan game RPG di mana pemain hanya mengontrol satu karakter, Stella Fantasy memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengontrol beberapa karakter secara bersamaan. Keempat karakter hadir di medan perang, dan pemain dapat beralih di antara mereka , menciptakan elemen strategis dalam pertempuran. Di Stella Fantasy, ada dua jenis utama NFT: Karakter dan Peralatan. NFT ini menghadirkan gameplay dinamis kepada para pemain. Membuat kombinasi karakter yang berbeda di setiap party menawarkan pengalaman unik setiap kali mereka bermain, dan memiliki beberapa Karakter NFT memungkinkan pembentukan banyak party, sehingga meningkatkan kemajuan dalam game. Pemain dapat membuat Peralatan melalui Pandai Besi dengan memperoleh bahan kerajinan yang diperlukan melalui berbagai konten dalam game. Untuk memfasilitasi perdagangan NFT ini, Stella Fantasy memiliki pasarnya sendiri, yang dikembangkan secara internal oleh tim berbakat kami dan spesialis blockchain, memberikan pengalaman perdagangan antar pemain yang lancar dan aman kepada pengguna. Visi Stella Fantasy adalah menjadi jembatan antara web2 tradisional dan dunia web3 yang sedang berkembang. Meskipun Web3 menjanjikan hal yang besar, masih terdapat keraguan dan skeptisisme yang melingkupinya. Stella Fantasy bertujuan untuk mendobrak hambatan ini dan memperkenalkan potensi Web3 kepada pengguna dengan cara yang ramah dan menghibur. Selain narasinya yang menawan, Stella Fantasy dirancang untuk menjadi game yang sangat menyenangkan untuk dimainkan. Selain mode cerita utama, pemain dapat membenamkan diri dalam berbagai mode permainan menarik, dan masih banyak lagi mode permainan yang akan datang di masa depan. Secara visual, Stella Fantasy menawarkan karya seni dan grafis yang indah, dan kami mengundang semua orang untuk merasakan permainan ini secara langsung dan menemukan kualitas uniknya. Keyakinan kami adalah bahwa game pada dasarnya harus menyenangkan dan menyenangkan, dan kami berharap para pemain akan menemukan esensi tersebut dalam Stella Fantasy. Stella Fantasy akan terus berkembang bersama komunitas, dengan pengembangan berkelanjutan dan konten baru yang menarik. Lebih banyak konten akan hadir di masa depan termasuk berbagai mode multipemain. Pantau terus!"
What’s new

Rilis APK Seluler Anda dapat mengunduh APK dari situs web resmi Stella Fantasy dan menikmati permainan di lingkungan Seluler.

Additional information
Ring Games
Apakah ada pembelian dalam aplikasi
Ada pembelian dalam aplikasi
Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Jepang, Bahasa Thailand, Traditional Chinese
Versi Saat Ini
Ukuran game
128 MB
Waktu Pembaruan
Spesifikasi Sistem
Tidak ada syarat sistem
out of 10


These waifus aren’t goldiggers, but they ain't messing with no broke... players!
If hot waifus and hero collecting are your thing, then Stella Fantasy might be something you want to check out. What I enjoyed most about this game were the visual elements and free-roaming aspects, which were impressive on the highest graphic settings. Not to mention a musical opening that legitimately caught me by surprise but in a good way. But despite the hotties, the fantastic combat, and the interesting story, it's hard to discuss Stella Fantasy without bringing up its PTW elements. In Stella Fantasy, you can sell your characters as NFTs on the crypto market. That might sound appealing to some, but to collect characters, you must invest some real-life money because the drop rates are so low. Stella Fantasy's entire mechanic is based on this PTW element, meaning if you're just interested in collecting hot waifus or the combat, you will be frustrated.
These waifus aren’t goldiggers, but they ain't messing with no broke... players!
These waifus aren’t goldiggers, but they ain't messing with no broke... players!
Stella Fantasy || Android - iOS 4K 60fps Gameplay
Stella Fantasy || Android - iOS 4K 60fps Gameplay
🎮 Gameplay : ⚪ Check Out My Channel For Other Android Mobile Gameplay : Thank You For Your Support 🖤🤍 =============================================== ⚪ About This Game "Stella Fantasy is a high-quality NFT character collectable anime RPG, where users become adventurers and travel through the mystical land of Reterra. With an arsenal of various content, such as Abyss Invader where users can battle vicious bosses and compete against each other, Mirage Garden where users can challenge various stages, and an entertaining storyline, Stella Fantasy has captured the hearts of many gamers worldwide since its global launch in April, 2023. Stella Fantasy stands out as a unique game due to its distinct gameplay. The project aimed to introduce a system that requires players to consider multiple factors during battles. Unlike most RPG games where players control only one character, Stella Fantasy allows users to control multiple characters simultaneously. All four characters are present on the battlefield, and players can switch between them, creating a strategic element in combat. In Stella Fantasy, there are two main types of NFTs: Characters and Equipment.
Stella Fantasy || Android - iOS 4K 60fps Gameplay
Stella Fantasy: Shining Visuals but Clouded by Pay-To-Win?
Join me as I dive into the visually stunning world of Stella Fantasy! While music and graphics drew me in and character design kept me hooked, I found myself battling more than just enemies. The real enemy? A heavy Pay-to-Win mechanic.


[Comment to Win] Share your most dependable character in Stella Fantasy to win $25 Gift Card!
In celebration of the launch of the mobile APK version of Stella Fantasy, we’re now offering a special community event to give US$ 25 Amazon Gift Card to each 5 winners! Download Stella Fantasy at TapTap and share your thoughts in the comment section, and you will have the chance to win US$ 25 Amazon Gift Card! [Event Period] October 21st-25th, 2023 [How to participate] Share your thoughts in Stella Fantasy comment section of this post, especially your in-game character, how you play with them, and what you hope to see from these characters, etc.
[Comment to Win] Share your most dependable character in Stella Fantasy to win $25 Gift Card!
[Comment to Win] Share your most dependable character in Stella Fantasy to win $25 Gift Card!
Stella Fantasy, the brand-new NFT anime RPG, is available now on TapTap!
STELLA FANTASY / An Introduction Letter from the Developers
TapTap News
TapTap News
Stella Fantasy, the brand-new NFT anime RPG, is available now on TapTap!
Stella Fantasy, the freshly released anime RPG with NFT elements, is officially launching on TapTap for Android players. Featuring captivating stories and unique gameplay, the game allows players to control multiple characters simultaneously and get engaged in more challenging and engaging combats.
Stella Fantasy, the brand-new NFT anime RPG, is available now on TapTap!
STELLA FANTASY / An Introduction Letter from the Developers
Hi, Adventurers at TapTap, we are Ring Games, the developers behind STELLA FANTASY, a brand-new character collectible RPG! We’ve devoted our passion and love to completing STELLA FANTASY for the last 3 and a half years and it’s so glad to finally present the game to you. Stella Fantasy is a high-quality Anime-styled character collectible action RPG, where the players can become Adventurers and travel through the mystical land of Reterra, the center of the World of Stella Fantasy.
STELLA FANTASY / An Introduction Letter from the Developers


What is the latest version of STELLA FANTASY? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of STELLA FANTASY is 1.0.21, updated at 2023-09-07.

what's new in the latest version of STELLA FANTASY?icon

Mobile APK Release
You can download the APK from the official Stella Fantasy website and enjoy the game in a Mobile environment.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of STELLA FANTASY is Ring Games.

Can I play STELLA FANTASY on Android/iOS?icon

Now STELLA FANTASY is available on Android.

What languages are supported by the game?icon

STELLA FANTASY supports 4 languages including English,Japanese,Thai,Traditional Chinese etc.

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