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Screenshot 5 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 6 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 7 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 8 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 9 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 10 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 11 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 12 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 13 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 14 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 15 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 16 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 17 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 18 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 19 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 20 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 21 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 22 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 23 of Arena Breakout
Screenshot 24 of Arena Breakout
Arena Breakout
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Arena Breakout Global

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La stagione 3 di Arena Breakout porterà una nuova stagione, nuove rivelazioni e una nuova mappa.
Available on iconicon
Initial release Jul 14, 2023
È ORA DISPONIBILE LA STAGIONE 2 di Arena Breakout! Nell'aggiornamento Battaglia per il porto, andrete alla scoperta di una nuova mappa ambientata nella baia di Guoyapos, un tempo la più grande base navale della Zona oscura. Preparatevi a raid pericolosi e a estrazioni ad alto rischio tra le rovine di Kamona!

Arena Breakout è un FPS tattico immersivo di ultima generazione basato sulla meccanica ""spara, saccheggia ed estrai"" unica nel suo genere e che definisce i nuovi limiti per i simulatori di guerra per dispositivi mobili. La strategia e le tattiche sono fondamentali tanto quanto le abilità e la potenza di fuoco. La vostra missione in quanto agenti professionisti consiste nel farvi strada nella Zona oscura, completare le missioni e sconfiggere i nemici utilizzando ogni mezzo possibile. Ottenete il bottino, completate l'estrazione in sicurezza e arricchitevi!

Vi diamo il benvenuto nella baia di Guoyapos! Esplorate la città e conducete una guerriglia urbana in questa ormai deserta terra di nessuno. Tra le stradine e le viuzze si cela la linea invisibile che separa la vita dalla morte. Vi attendono combattimenti intensi persino negli angoli più reconditi di queste strade.

Disponibili tante nuove armi! Preparatevi a scaldare il campo di battaglia con fucili a canna liscia, revolver e un arsenale composto da fucili d'assalto, tra cui l'AN94, l'AEK e l'ACE31: davvero devastanti.

Sperimentate le condizioni meteo estreme e affrontate la forza della natura! La nebbia di guerra diventa reale in questa modalità e cela qualcosa che vi farà accapponare la pelle.

Fatevi valere vincendo e portando al sicuro bottini di valore. Il segreto per raggiungere la vittoria è pianificare la fuga, non solo uccidere i nemici. In Arena Breakout, correre un alto rischio significa ottenere ricompense maggiori. Dirigetevi sul campo di battaglia per riprendere ciò che è vostro in questo simulatore di guerra tutto-o-niente per dispositivi mobili.

Realizzate delle armi da fuoco personalizzate con oltre 700 accessori unici. Godetevi degli scontri a fuoco realistici ambientati in set attendibili. La tecnologia delle nuvole volumetriche e gli oltre 1.200 effetti sonori regalano l'autentica qualità di una console su dispositivo mobile.

Tieni presente che il tuo feedback sarà esaminato dal team di Arena Breakout allo scopo di migliorare il gioco, risponderti e/o fornire supporto e risolvere problemi, tra cui affrontare e rimediare a problemi tecnici e bug.

Per condividere una recensione o per maggiori informazioni, visitare:

il sito ufficiale: https://arenabreakout.com/#/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arenabreakoutglobal/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Arena__Breakout
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ArenaBreakout
Discord: https://discord.gg/arenabreakout
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArenaBreakout
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/arenabreakoutmobile
TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@arenabreakoutglobal
What’s new

Stagione 1
Con l'avvio della S1, tutti i giocatori iniziano la stagione da zero!
Personaggi femminili
Nuove opzioni di personalizzazione consentono di creare personaggi femminili. È possibile cambiare il proprio personaggio dalle opzioni di personalizzazione nel menu principale.
Nuove funzioni
1. Roccaforte: uno spazio personale in cui vantarsi dei propri risultati con gli amici e godersi la gloria. Possono essere messi in mostra collezionabili, armi, distintivi e altro ancora.
2. Replay eliminazione: per guardarvi morire due volte o fare una buona azione segnalando le attività sospette.
3. Prestito di squadra: condividere è importante. Date una mano alla vostra squadra condividendo i rifornimenti.
4. Chat rapida personalizzata: scegliete i comandi vocali che preferite nel menu di personalizzazione.
5. Equipaggiamento rapido: equipaggiatevi più velocemente che mai e portate le chiappe nella Zona oscura con il sistema di Equipaggiamento rapido.
6. Ora nelle casse di corazze è possibile depositare equipaggiamenti arrotolati.
Nuove armi:
1. Arricchite il vostro arsenale con il fucile da cecchino bolt-action M24, la doppietta SPR310, la carabina SVTU e la pistola F57.
2. Granata stordente T-13, che esplode all'impatto, e maggiore durabilità della maschera antigas.
Modalità classificata e miglioramenti generali
1. È stato aggiunto un Negozio stagione, dove i gettoni ottenuti nelle partite classificate possono essere usati per ottenere rifornimenti rari.
2. I giocatori "nudi" (i tizi che assurgono a eroi con nient'altro che un coltello) o altri giocatori con merito basso non saranno abbinati automaticamente.
3. I giocatori in solitaria abbinati in una squadra formeranno automaticamente una squadra alla fine del raid. È pericoloso muoversi da soli!
4. È stato complessivamente migliorato il sistema di visualizzazione dell'audio, inclusi l'indicatore del suono personale, le sorgenti sonore a 360° e le frecce.
5. Ora gli indicatori della direzione dei danni sono più precisi.
6. Sono stati migliorati il matchmaking in generale e gli algoritmi della distribuzione dei giocatori.
7. Ora sono necessari alcuni gradi per entrare nella modalità Isolamento e ottenere punti grado.
8. È stato aggiunto uno schema di controllo dei pulsanti più largo per facilitare chi ha le dita grandi.
9. Sono stati rinnovati il tutorial e le missioni principali.
10. Sono stati aggiunti comandi per il volume dei compagni di squadra.
11. Sono state aggiunte informazioni sul produttore di ogni arma.
12. Le piastrine dei giocatori cambieranno in base al grado e i gradi più alti avranno un valore in Koen diverso.
Miglioramenti all'ambiente
1. In alcune zone è stato aggiunto un frigorifero. Apritelo e concedetevi uno spuntino, ma chiudetelo quando avete finito.
2. È stata aumentata la casualità dei punti di estrazione disponibili in modo da diversificare ulteriormente i possibili percorsi.
3. Sono stati modificati i requisiti e le condizioni dei punti di estrazione.
4. Abbiamo ampliato il secondo piano della Diga di Northridge e le relative condizioni di estrazione. Ora c'è un punto di estrazione nel Ponte d'osservazione.
5. Sono state modificate e aperte nuove torri d'osservazione nella Valle, a Northridge e nell'Armeria.
Lingue supportate
Oltre a inglese, spagnolo, portoghese (Brasile), indonesiano, giapponese, russo e turco, a partire dall'ultimo aggiornamento sono previste anche cinese tradizionale, arabo, coreano, tedesco, italiano, francese e thailandese.
Requisiti per sbloccare le mappe
Fattoria: liv. 1
Valle: liv. 8
Northridge: liv. 11
Isolamento della Fattoria: liv. 14
Armeria: liv. 16

Additional information
Proxima Beta
English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, French, Russian, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Indonesian, Thai, Italian, Turkish
Last Updated on
Network Connection
System Requirements
Android 5.1 +
Content Rating
out of 10


Get Your THERMAL Today! Foxtrot Mode Survival TIPS - Arena Breakout
Shoot. Loot. Subscribe. // Join The ShadyFox Squad on Discord: // ShadyFox Socials: // ShadyFoxReviews: // ShadyFox Creators: // ShadyFox Beats: // ZEqualNinja (My kid): // Sponsors & Business: [email protected] (open to offers) // Arena Breakout IGN: ShadyFoxYT /// IGNORE TAGS /// Arena Breakout Arena Breakout Mobile Arena Breakout Gameplay Arena Breakout Tips And Tricks Arena Breakout Tips Arena Breakout Guide Arena Breakout Gameplay Mobile Arena Breakout Global Arena Breakout S3 Arena Breakout Settings Arena Breakout Easy Money Arena Breakout Ranked Arena Breakout 120fps Arena Breakout Farm Arena Breakout Valley Arena Breakout Northridge Arena Breakout Armory Arena Breakout Port Arena Breakout TV Station #ArenaBreakout #GoldenLionsLegion #CCAlliance #ArenaBreakoutS3 #EnterTheVault #arenabreakout #arenabreakoutglobal #goldenlionslegion #tarkovmobile
Get Your THERMAL Today! Foxtrot Mode Survival TIPS - Arena Breakout
Arena Breakout: Realistic FPS Reviews
Get Your THERMAL Today! Foxtrot Mode Survival TIPS - Arena Breakout
Best Shooter Game ever made " Arena Breakout" Gameplay and graphic unrivaled in gaming.
Best Shooter Game ever made " Arena Breakout" Gameplay and graphic unrivaled in gaming.
In This Article we wil talk about "Arena Breakout" The most Realistic Shooter game ever created or made .As a Game Critics for 4 years , here is my Opinion about the game and I will compare and mention about different shooter games ,which are competing with Arena Breakou itself if you don't agree with my opinion ,you can always share yours under the comments section and always open for you to speak out your thoughts. by _ pichiu_,gaming @P3ach_ee
Best Shooter Game ever made " Arena Breakout" Gameplay and graphic unrivaled in gaming.
To those who have never experienced Arena: Breakout
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to date a drop-dead-gorgeous narcissistic sociopath with borderline personality disorder? Well then, my emotionally troubled insecure masochistic friend, have I got a game for you. Over the course of my life, I've heard the term 'toxic' thrown around in regards to our own well being and who we as people choose to keep around us as friends and partners, and the correlation between the two. Naturally, it makes sense that if we choose to surround ourselves with negative influences then it will, in turn, affect our lives on a day to day basis for the worse. Seems like a pretty clear cut red flag to steer around, right?


TIPS To Grind Endless RANK POINTS In The NEW Farm Rush Mode - Arena Breakout
Shoot. Loot. Subscribe. // Join The ShadyFox Squad on Discord: // ShadyFox Socials: // ShadyFoxReviews: // ShadyFox Creators: // ShadyFox Beats: // ZEqualNinja (My kid): // Sponsors & Business: [email protected] (open to offers) // Arena Breakout IGN: ShadyFoxYT /// IGNORE TAGS /// Arena Breakout Arena Breakout Mobile Arena Breakout Gameplay Arena Breakout Tips And Tricks Arena Breakout Tips Arena Breakout Guide Arena Breakout Gameplay Mobile Arena Breakout Global Arena Breakout S3 Arena Breakout Settings Arena Breakout Easy Money Arena Breakout Ranked Arena Breakout 120fps Arena Breakout Farm Arena Breakout Valley Arena Breakout Northridge Arena Breakout Armory Arena Breakout Port Arena Breakout TV Station #ArenaBreakout #GoldenLionsLegion #CCAlliance #ArenaBreakoutS3 #EnterTheVault #arenabreakout #arenabreakoutglobal #goldenlionslegion #tarkovmobile
TIPS To Grind Endless RANK POINTS In The NEW Farm Rush Mode - Arena Breakout
Arena Breakout: Realistic FPS Guides
TIPS To Grind Endless RANK POINTS In The NEW Farm Rush Mode - Arena Breakout
Get Your THERMAL Today! Foxtrot Mode Survival TIPS - Arena Breakout
JUICY $1M LOOT WITH DEAGLE ONLY (Normal Port) - Arena Breakout Challenge
Get Your THERMAL Today! Foxtrot Mode Survival TIPS - Arena Breakout
Shoot. Loot. Subscribe. // Join The ShadyFox Squad on Discord: // ShadyFox Socials: // ShadyFoxReviews: // ShadyFox Creators: // ShadyFox Beats: // ZEqualNinja (My kid): // Sponsors & Business: [email protected] (open to offers) // Arena Breakout IGN: ShadyFoxYT /// IGNORE TAGS /// Arena Breakout Arena Breakout Mobile Arena Breakout Gameplay Arena Breakout Tips And Tricks Arena Breakout Tips Arena Breakout Guide Arena Breakout Gameplay Mobile Arena Breakout Global Arena Breakout S3 Arena Breakout Settings Arena Breakout Easy Money Arena Breakout Ranked Arena Breakout 120fps Arena Breakout Farm Arena Breakout Valley Arena Breakout Northridge Arena Breakout Armory Arena Breakout Port Arena Breakout TV Station #ArenaBreakout #GoldenLionsLegion #CCAlliance #ArenaBreakoutS3 #EnterTheVault #arenabreakout #arenabreakoutglobal #goldenlionslegion #tarkovmobile
Get Your THERMAL Today! Foxtrot Mode Survival TIPS - Arena Breakout
JUICY $1M LOOT WITH DEAGLE ONLY (Normal Port) - Arena Breakout Challenge
Shoot. Loot. Subscribe. // Arena Breakout IGN: ShadyFoxYT // ShadyFox Socials: // ZEqualNinja (my kid): // ShadyFoxCreators: // ShadyFoxReviews: // ShadyFoxMusic: // Sponsors & Business: [email protected] (open to offers) /// IGNORE TAGS /// Arena Breakout Arena Breakout Mobile Arena Breakout Gameplay Arena Breakout Tips And Tricks Arena Breakout Tips Arena Breakout Guide Arena Breakout Gameplay Mobile Arena Breakout Global Arena Breakout S3 Arena Breakout Settings Arena Breakout Easy Money Arena Breakout Ranked Arena Breakout 120fps Arena Breakout Farm Arena Breakout Valley Arena Breakout Northridge Arena Breakout Armory Arena Breakout Port Arena Breakout TV Station #ArenaBreakout #GoldenLionsLegion #CCAlliance #ArenaBreakoutS3 #EnterTheVault #arenabreakout #arenabreakoutglobal #goldenlionslegion #tarkovmobile
JUICY $1M LOOT WITH DEAGLE ONLY (Normal Port) - Arena Breakout Challenge


Arena Breakout Launches Today!
We would like to express our gratitude for your support during the testing and soft launch phases. It's time to gear up for an epic battle as we officially launch the game! Join us in thrilling events and take advantage of limited-time offers for even more excitement! We have also prepared exclusive gift codes for all the Arena Breakout players on TapTap. Don't forget to check out your unique gift code in the game page and redeem it inside the game!
Arena Breakout Launches Today!
Arena Breakout: Realistic FPS News
Arena Breakout Launches Today!
Arena Breakout | S2 update with login awards!! New map, weapons and new boss goes live on Oct. 27
Dear players: The Arena Breakout Global Closed Beta Test(CBT) is coming. Thank you so much for your waiting and support. We sincerely invite you to sign up for this test by filling in the questionnaire. The signing up for this test officially opens on February 8, and we are looking forward to your participation. ★ About The Test ★ ● Recruiting Method Sign up for Closed Beta here: MUR Survey *Please make sure that you have filled the correct TapTap ID in digit format when completing the questionaire.
TapTap News
TapTap News
Arena Breakout | S2 update with login awards!! New map, weapons and new boss goes live on Oct. 27
Login awards Server is currently under maintenance. If the server is down for: 📣 <11 hours:  5 Class III Ammo Bundle 📣 11+ hours: 2 Class IV Ammo Bundle and 3000 Koen To claim: Log in to the game within 3 days after the server reopens. S2 Update Arena Breakout's Season 2 is here with the EPIC 'Battle For The Port' update. Experience intense urban warfare in the vast Port map, grab brand-new weapons, and challenge yourself in the Storm Warning mode. Brace for the ultimate mobile tactical shooter experience, launching October 27!
Arena Breakout | S2 update with login awards!! New map, weapons and new boss goes live on Oct. 27


Wait a Minute... I Like Your Cut G - Arena Breakout
Shoot. Loot. Subscribe. // Join The ShadyFox Squad on Discord: // ShadyFox Socials: // ShadyFoxReviews: // ShadyFox Creators: // ShadyFox Beats: // ZEqualNinja (My kid): // Sponsors & Business: [email protected] (open to offers) // Arena Breakout IGN: ShadyFoxYT /// IGNORE TAGS /// Arena Breakout Arena Breakout Mobile Arena Breakout Gameplay Arena Breakout Tips And Tricks Arena Breakout Tips Arena Breakout Guide Arena Breakout Gameplay Mobile Arena Breakout Global Arena Breakout S3 Arena Breakout Settings Arena Breakout Easy Money Arena Breakout Ranked Arena Breakout 120fps Arena Breakout Farm Arena Breakout Valley Arena Breakout Northridge Arena Breakout Armory Arena Breakout Port Arena Breakout TV Station #ArenaBreakout #GoldenLionsLegion #CCAlliance #ArenaBreakoutS3 #EnterTheVault #arenabreakout #arenabreakoutglobal #goldenlionslegion #tarkovmobile
Arena Breakout: Realistic FPS Entertainment
It Took The Whole Match To Rat My First AUG - Arena Breakout
when you finally kill a full squad after a lose streaks of 20 but then you see a mf whit a sniper was waiting for you to kill them... I didn't have time to say you mother fu**er that i got shot at and I die.
It Took The Whole Match To Rat My First AUG - Arena Breakout
Look how long I had to rat to get this AUG on Arena Breakout. Your Number One Arena Breakout Rat is here to steal all your hard earned loot. Pro Ratting takes skill, patience and map knowledge. Watch, learn, rage or laugh. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button! Discord: https://discord.gg/gphKzKCgTY X Account: https://x.com/iRossYouTube?t=yo8a0y-0I905EJEUUa4BpQ&s=09 Hey I'm iRoss and I play Arena Breakout on mobile.
It Took The Whole Match To Rat My First AUG - Arena Breakout


When was this game updated?icon

Arena Breakout: Realistic FPS is updated at 2024-04-11.

what's new in the latest version of Arena Breakout: Realistic FPS?icon

Map Updates
1: New Map - Port: Play this map in either normal or Lockdown Zone mode, and check out the new helicopter extraction!
2. Northridge Refresh: Checkpoint has been expanded to become the Camp Services zone, and the Observation Deck is now the Cable Car Station.
3. Extraction point switches are now marked to help players find them.
4. There was an attempt to move the safe in the Motel corridor out of the Farm, but it appears the armored car crashed under the Broken Bridge.

New Weapons
Assault rifles: AN-94 (5.45x39), AEK (7.62x39), ACE 31 (7.62x39), and SCAR-L (5.56x45)
Shotgun: DP-12 (12x70)
Revolver: M300 Revolver (7.62x54)

New Tactical Items + Changes
1. The new X300U-A tactical flashlight can be fitted on a laser sight to enhance your tactical capabilities at night.
2. Adjustments made to the shape of the smoke from the M18 smoke grenade for a more natural look.
3. Improvements made to the blinding effect of the M84 flashbang.
4. Improvements to decoy grenade: Footsteps generated by the decoy now have a random rhythm, and decoy sounds differ depending on the material it's placed on.

New System Features and Improvements
1. Kit Builder: Recommends equipment based on a budget you set.
2. Quick Kit: Use kit coupons to quickly gear up before entering the Dark Zone.
3. Tactical Draw: Tactical Draw action can be triggered when player switches from their primary weapon to their secondary weapon.
4. World Chat Translate: Allows players to translate text from another player based on one's selected language settings.
5. Chat channels in local languages.
6. Leaderboards added.
7. Personalization options, including outfits, badges, dog tags, etc.
8. Share Rating function and improvements made to Share Rating History.
9. Map selection layout.
10. Armory Interior map (levels B1 and B2 can now be accessed).
11. Improvements made to character animations and actions in the team lobby.
12. Huge overhaul of the raid summary screen, including a new route overview feature.
13. Improvements made to rank icon effects, tier promotion animations, and Legend star ranking system.
14. Weapon skin animations in the Customize screen.
15. Better Store experience.
16. Auto-Skin feature in the personal storage.
17. Clear function for containers during supply retrieval.
18. Elite Militant status is now permanent and has a chance of being triggered at any time.
19. Performance rating for each match on the detailed match results screen.
20: Share images added an ID and flag display option.
21. In-raid sprays.

Balance Adjustments
Tactical Items
1. Reduced the maximum lethal range for M67 frag grenade, Mk 2 frag grenade, and GHO 2 offensive grenade.
2. Slight extension of the fuse time for the M67, Mk 2, and GHO 2 grenades.
3. Adjustments made to the distribution of damage caused by the Molotov cocktail to various parts of the body: damage caused to the legs increased.
4. Smoke grenade effect on soundprints: When the player is inside a smoke screen generated from a smoke grenade, the refresh interval of their soundprint becomes longer, making it more difficult for other players to locate them through sound.
1. Adjustments made to the weight of various melee weapons.
2. G18C pistol rate of fire lowered.
3. Adjustments made to camera shake amplitude when the F2000, VSS, AR-57, MDR, and MPX are being fired.
4. Dampened the horizontal recoil control of the F2000.
5. Gun shield for the RPK light machine gun.
6. Adjustments made to movement speed while holding the M4A1, SVDS, VSS, Mk14, M110, and USAS-12.
7. Slight adjustments made to the recoil from the first few shots fired with the MP5, MPX, FAL, M4A1, H416, and F2000.
8. Reduced the weight of certain Mk14 accessories.
1. Adjustments made to the recoil stabilization for the 7.62x39mm HP, 5.56x45mm 55 HP Hunting, 9x19mm Dumdum, 5.7x28mm R37.F, and 5.45x39mm HP ammo.
2. Adjustments made to the armor damage of the 7.62x39mm ammo.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Arena Breakout: Realistic FPS is Proxima Beta.

Can I play Arena Breakout: Realistic FPS on Android/iOS?icon

Now Arena Breakout: Realistic FPS is available on Android and iOS.

What languages are supported by the game?icon

Arena Breakout: Realistic FPS supports 13 languages including English,Japanese,Traditional Chinese,Korean,French,Russian,Spanish,German,Portuguese,Indonesian,Thai,Italian,Turkish etc.

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