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Screenshot 2 of Just Cause™ 3
Screenshot 3 of Just Cause™ 3
Screenshot 4 of Just Cause™ 3
Screenshot 5 of Just Cause™ 3
Screenshot 6 of Just Cause™ 3
Screenshot 7 of Just Cause™ 3
Screenshot 8 of Just Cause™ 3
Screenshot 9 of Just Cause™ 3
Screenshot 10 of Just Cause™ 3
Just Cause™ 3

Just Cause™ 3

icon 9.1
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XXL Edition
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition include il gioco acclamato dalla critica Just Cause 3 insieme a una grande selezione di missioni extra, armi esplosive e veicoli con cui arricchire la tua esperienza a Medici. La versione definitiva del gioco, perfetta per i nuovi giocatori interessati a lanciarsi in tutte le missioni di Rico con arsenali potenziati e veicoli nuovi e rari.

Questo pacchetto include:
Just Cause 3
Pass espansione "Aria, terra e mare"
Pacchetto veicoli armati
Pacchetto armi esplosive
Mech Mietitore lanciamissili
Kousavá Rifle
Recensioni e riconoscimenti 9.5/10 "Just Cause 3 may be the only recent release that truly qualifies as a sandbox" - Forbes

9/10 "Just Cause 3 is probably the most goddamn fun I've had in a game this year" - US Gamer

9/10 "Spectacularly Destructive" - GAME REACTOR

8/10 "A wide-open playground primed for explosive action" - IGN

8/10 "A stunning display of cause and effect" - Gamespot

8/10 "it’s hard not to cackle with glee after watching yet another base bloom into a fiery blossom" - Game Informer

8/10 "lives up to the series’ standard of high quality explosiveness by exhibiting just how a sandbox game should operate" - EGM

8/10 "A memorable game that's hard not to like and recommend to others" - Destructoid
Bavarium Sea Heist
Just Cause 3: Bavarium Sea Heist è disponibile!
Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault è disponibile!
Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress è disponibile!

Scarica oggi il pass espansioni e ricevi i pacchetti di contenuti scaricabili con 7 giorni di anticipo.
Informazioni sul giocohttps://store.steampowered.com/app/680420/OUTRIDERS/

La repubblica di Medici nel mar Mediterraneo è governata dallo spietato generale Di Ravello, un dittatore dall’insaziabile sete di potere. Il tuo personaggio, Rico Rodriguez, è pronto a tutto pur di cacciare il generale. Esplora più 1000 km2 per terra, per mare e nei cieli, sfrutta un immenso arsenale di armi, accessori e veicoli, e preparati a scatenare il caos nel modo più creativo ed esplosivo possibile.

Esplora un’isola paradisiaca nel mar Mediterraneo in totale libertà: sfrutta le opzioni di skydiving, BASE jumping e immersione in un’ambientazione open-world senza limiti
Sfreccia nei cieli e plana tra le montagne indossando la tua tuta alare per seminare morte e distruzione dall’alto
Usa il rampino e il paracadute per scalare gli edifici, assaltare i veicoli, muoverti più rapidamente o collegare gli oggetti tra loro scatenando il panico nei modi più inaspettati
Deponi il dittatore devastando basi militari, porti, prigioni, stazioni di polizia e infrastrutture di comunicazione
Sfrutta un arsenale di armi esplosive, mitragliatrici, lanciamissili, missili anticarro e terra-aria
Guida veicoli di tutti i tipi, inclusi motoscafi, jet, elicotteri, macchine da corsa con motore turbo e moto
Affronta decine di avventurose missioni e scopri tantissimi oggetti collezionabili
Partecipa alla community online
Additional information
Avalanche Studios
Last Updated on
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DrignoS PC games
W mid ah giga ultra pro GOAT all are my played pc games below
Games that should be on mobile.
If these games ever comes on mobiles It'll change the gaming industry for forever. Tell me what do you guys think?
The People's Choice5742024-01-25
Just cause 3 is one of the best, most action packed game I have ever played alongside metal gear rising revengance. There is no tutorial, no instructions the game just throws you on top of a plane gives you a rocket launcher and tells you to blow some stuff up. I absolutely love this game and it's mechanics, you could spend hours just messing around with your tools like the grappling hook and wingsuit and not even doing the main missions the sense of freedom in this game is similar to breath of the wild which I love. One of the highlights of just cause 3 is the destruction and the explosions. Seeing a massive radar dish collapse after I shoot it with a heavy explosive tank shell activates my monkey brain cells and makes me happy. The only cons of just cause 3 are it's reused assets the enemy camps, towns and cities often feel copy and pasted and you get a strong sense of deja vu exploring the map this is countered however by the beautiful natural surroundings. Medici is a truly stunning island I would actually go on holiday there (as long as there weren't any maniacs with wingsuits, grappling wings and rocket launchers running smock) I absolutely recommend this game to sandbox and action lovers it's also incredibly cheap as it's several years old now but still holds up to modern standards so buy the DLC's while you're at it.
Chuck Davie3492023-12-12


When was this game updated?icon

Just Cause™ 3 is updated at 2018-11-29.

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The provider of Just Cause™ 3 is Avalanche Studios.

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