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Benvenuti in Questscape e il tuo primo caso: "Escape from Cell 13" - Il tuo ultimo simulatore di fuga per la stanza di fuga! Immerse yourself in the world of the first-person puzzle game, experienced solo or in online co-op mode. "Questcape - Escape from Cell 13" promette un'avventura avvincente con enigmi interattivi. Here are some exciting features awaiting you: Interactive puzzles in every corner: Plunge into rooms full of challenging puzzles that will test your skills. Trova indizi, codici di crack e rivela segreti per fuggire dalla cella 13 e dalla prigione. Online Co-op Mode: Two heads are better than one! Play all rooms in online co-op mode and team up with a friend to tackle tricky challenges together. Can you escape within the 60-minute time limit per section? Features: Logical thinking is essential: Solve puzzles based on intelligent thinking, waiting for you in every room. Explore different rooms: Search the prison, find hidden clues and objects to pave your way to freedom. Background Story: You and your friend (if playing in co-op mode) are wrongly imprisoned, finding yourselves in the notorious Cell 13 of a high-security prison. Thanks to a security system glitch, the guards are distracted, giving you exactly 60 minutes per section to plan your escape. Capitolo 1 - Breakout delle celle: nella prima parte, devi fuggire dalla tua cella prima che le guardie ritornino e contrastano la tua fuga. Il sistema di bloccaggio della prigione funziona durante questo periodo, ma almeno non sarai osservato. Despite the absence of guards, breaking out of your sealed cell is anything but easy. Use your intelligence, find clues, and work as a team to successfully complete the first section. Are you ready for the ultimate Escape Room experience? "Escape from Cell 13" is waiting to be explored and mastered by you. Beat the clock and prove you have what it takes to break free!
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Dockside Games
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out of 10


When was this game updated?icon

Questscape is updated at 2024-02-28.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Questscape is Dockside Games.

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