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Screenshot 3 of Bravery and Greed
Screenshot 4 of Bravery and Greed
Screenshot 5 of Bravery and Greed
Screenshot 6 of Bravery and Greed
Screenshot 7 of Bravery and Greed
Screenshot 8 of Bravery and Greed
Screenshot 9 of Bravery and Greed
Screenshot 10 of Bravery and Greed
Screenshot 11 of Bravery and Greed
Screenshot 12 of Bravery and Greed
Screenshot 13 of Bravery and Greed
Bravery and Greed

Bravery and Greed

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게임 정보강력한 전투 시스템강력한 아마존, 용맹한 워리어, 민첩한 로그, 괴짜 위자드(듬직한 소환수 소환)로 플레이합니다. 각 클래스는 다양하고 강력한 콤보 이동기 세트를 보유하고 있습니다. 막기, 회피, 구르기, 치명적이고 특별한 능력으로 더 강한 적, 보스 그리고 친구를 상대로 우위를 차지할 수 있습니다.

다양한 PvE와 PvP스카이 포트레스로 가는 룬을 찾는 과정에서 바이오메스와 보스를 상대하며 어드벤처 모드에서 짜릿하고 다양한 환경 속을 탐험해 보세요. 도전적인 호드 모드에서 친구와 팀을 꾸리고 웨이브 이후에도 따라오는 적과 맞서 싸우거나 아레나에 있는 팀 PvP와 자유롭게 결투를 벌이세요.

캐릭터 커스터마이즈클래스 선택과 함께 캐릭터의 스킬셋을 결정해야 합니다. 카오스, 오더, 다크니스, 라이프 측면에 초점을 둔 스킬 트리는 스킬 상승과 특수 능력을 부여하며, 다양한 장비 드롭은 게임 플레이에서 수많은 옵션을 통해 더 특별한 게임을 선사합니다.

끝없는 탐욕Bravery and Greed에서는 골드로 레벨업하여 멋진 콘텐츠와 게임의 개선 효과를 영구적으로 잠금 해제할 수 있습니다. 탐욕스럽게 코인을 수집하고 상자를 약탈하며, 동료가 부활할 때 주머니에 있는 골드를 슬쩍해보세요. 에픽 적을 마주치고 가장 먼저 달려가서 전리품을 획득하세요. 부가 없다면, 죽음뿐입니다!

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Rekka Games
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System Requirements
No System Requirements
out of 10

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Bravery and Greed - fun alone and in local 4-player
I came for the local 4-player support, but stayed to play it alone. This is one of the relatively few games that is fun with friends and also great fun alone. It is also really good looking - perfect pixel art. At least for an old guy that grew up with the Commodore C-64 and Amiga machines. My first test was alone, I enjoyed it a lot. In the evening my wife joined me, it was chaotic and also fun. On the weekend two of my kids joined us - oh my god, what chaotic fun! One caveat, though - the main game mode - Adventure - is not a casual party game with 3 minute round duration. This is a full-blown roguelite hack and slash game, which needs to be played over a longer time and with (more or less) experienced and dedicated players. For casuals, there is a platform brawler mode (either FFA or team based) and there is a simple horde defense mode. The adventure mode, though, needs a bit more dedication to play. You have to find four runes to unlock the portal to the Dwarfen Fortress... rumored to be full of gold to loot.
Sven Evil5532022-11-18
Bravery & Greed: the origins!
Hey gang! Glad to be here! My name is Ivann, a French dude and 50% of Rekka Games, the two man video game studio responsible for Bravery and Greed, a roguelite dungeon brawler  which is to be released on the 15th of November (yes, it'll be available tomorrow or right now, depending on when you read this). At a young age, I remember experimenting with Pixel Art on my old Atari ST with software like Neochrome, making my first sprites for something called “Shoot'em up Construction Kit”. But of course back then (early 90s) this was not considered a viable career choice, so this was just a hobby. I was also really into music and guitar, but this would also be a totally irrational move career wise. Overall, I was afraid that doing something I loved as a job would end up making me hate it in the long run, so I thought I should not worry my family and settle on a “real” career.
Ivann D9K2022-11-14


When was this game updated?icon

Bravery and Greed is updated at 2022-12-21.

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The provider of Bravery and Greed is Rekka Games.

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