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Tower of Fantasy(타워 오브 판타지)
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Tower of Fantasy(타워 오브 판타지) Global

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대망의 에반게리온과의 콜라보레이션이 곧 다가옵니다.
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Initial release Nov 15, 2022
Tower of Fantasy는 화려한 비주얼과 다양한 탐험, 매력적인 스토리를 무료로 즐길 수 있는 몰입형 오픈 월드 멀티 RPG 게임입니다. 뛰어난 시각 효과와 다양한 탐색 콘텐츠, 그리고 생동감 넘치는 스토리가 여러분을 기다리고 있습니다.
게임 속 세계에서 개척자가 되어 에너지원의 재앙이 덮친 아이다에서 모험하며 동료들과 함께 전투할 수 있습니다. 베일에 싸인 음모 속에서 타워 오브 판타지에 숨겨진 진실을 밝혀보세요!
인간은 자기가 필요했던 옴니엄으로 인해 위기에 빠졌습니다. 최첨단 기술과 인류의 자기 구원에 관한 이야기가 펼쳐집니다. 과연 행성은 이 황무지 속에서 다시 태어날 수 있을까요? 이 세계는 구원받게 될까요? 아니면 파멸을 향해 갈까요? 이 모든 것은 당신의 선택에 달려있습니다.
마음껏 탐험할 수 있는 광활한 오픈 월드로 여행을 떠나 보세요
공상과학적 황무지, 사이버펑크 도시, 해저 세계, '구주'의 아름다운 동방 세계 등 화려하고 다양한 환경 속에서 궁극의 모험을 즐겨 보세요.
버려진 땅과 사막, 사이버펑크 대도시, 완벽한 생태계를 이룬 해저세계, 그리고 동양의 아름다움을 담은 신비한 땅 '구주'까지 자유롭게 오갈 수 있습니다!
등반과 수영 등 높은 자유도의 탐색 콘텐츠를 즐겨보세요. 낮과 밤, 라이브 날씨 시스템으로 현실감 넘치는 생태계를 선사합니다. 첨단 기술로 제작된 비이클을 이용해 드넓은 세계를 탐색하고, 전투를 통해 비밀을 파헤치면 보상을 획득할 수 있습니다.

【액션 전투, 자유로운 직업 전환】
직업의 제한 없이 수많은 무기를 변경하는 전투의 쾌감을 느껴보세요. 무기 간 연계 액션으로 짜릿한 전투 플레이를 경험할 수 있습니다.
더 뛰어난 조작감의 구현과 특수 효과 및 타격감 최적화를 통해 보다 한 단계 우수한 액션 플레이를 체험할 수 있습니다.
【레플리카와 함께하는 전투】
여러 레플리카와 함께 강력한 적에 맞서보세요. 이들이 개척자 여러분의 예리한 칼과 단단한 갑옷이 되어드릴 것입니다!
또한 개성 넘치는 스토리와 레플리카 통신 시스템도 개척자 여러분을 기다리고 있습니다. 레플리카의 감춰둔 이야기를 살펴주세요.
【나만의 캐릭터 커스터마이징】
차원을 넘나드는 커스텀으로 어디에서도 볼 수 없는 나만의 캐릭터를 만들 수 있습니다!
이목구비와 헤어 스타일, 체형까지... 자유로운 커스터마이징이 기다리고 있습니다. 양 갈래 헤어 스타일과 형형색색의 눈동자, 그라데이션 헤어 컬러, 유행하는 스타일의 의상... 이 모든 것을 타워 오브 판타지에서 만나보세요.
【다른 개척자와 함께하는 모험】
상호작용을 통해 다른 개척자분들과 친구가 되어보세요. 친구와 함께 보스에 도전하거나, 사진을 찍으며 비밀을 밝힐 수 있습니다. 물론 혼자만의 모험도 즐길 수 있으니 원하는 방식으로 게임을 즐겨보세요!
What’s new

Version 3.6: Jenseits des Horizonts ist jetzt verfügbar. Begib dich zum Ursprung der Zivilisation in Gebiet 9 und tritt deine Fantasiereise an! Die Feierlichkeiten zum 1,5-jährigen Jubiläum gehen los. Sichere dir mehr als 50 Ziehungen im „erhöhte Chance“-Pool! Ein Haufen toller Gegenstände wie die SSR-Waffentruhe und limitierte kosmetische Belohnungen erwartet dich!

Neue Karte: Aquastadt und Kabine 8 des fernen Leuchtfeuers
Aquastadt steht für den Höhepunkt der innovativen Technologie aus Gebiet 9, wobei die „Neun-Archen-Industrie“ für die Industrie und das „Himmelstor“ für Raumfahrt zuständig sind. Der Ursprung beider läuft auf Grenzkapsel 8 des fernen Leuchtfeuers zurück, die vor vielen Jahren Gebiet 9 unbeabsichtigt betreten hat. Wanderer können nun zum ersten Mal die Kapsel betreten und in die Wunder der menschlichen Technologie der Zukunft eintauchen.

Neue Geschichte: Aufkommender Sturm
Die Informationen der Dunkelform verbinden die zwei Enden von Raum und Zeit und lassen Schicksale aufeinandertreffen. Der Zusammenstoß steht bevor und ein Sturm braut sich an. Das Ende der alten Welt naht und eine neue steigt empor.

Limitierte Simulacra: Plotti und Yanuo
„Poppa? Wovon redest du? Du musst dich verhört haben. Ich meinte „Megapascal“. Ich habe Daten für meine Experimente aufgezeichnet.
Das limitierte Simulacrum Plotti und ihre limitierte Waffe EP-7000-Himmelsfeuer sind da. Viel Spaß mit schwerem Sperrfeuer, flächendeckenden Kämpfen und einem Charakter mit riesigem Kontrast.
„Bete und renn um dein Leben!“
Das limitierte Simulacrum Yanuo und ihre limitierte Waffe Fiesling sind im späteren Verlauf des Updates erhältlich. Die Schneejägerin steckt voller Magie und verwandelt sich in einen magischen Ritter, ohne auf ihr Können in der Jagd zu verzichten.

Feiere das 1 1/2-jährige Jubiläum und sichere Dir viele Belohnungen!
Das neue Kapitel beginnt mit speziellen Events. Schau dir deinen Nachbesprechungsbericht an, nehme an vielen Aktivitäten teil und erhalte dabei eine Chance auf 'Glückspilz'-Mi-a und feier so das neue Jahr. Zudem gibt es unzählige Gutscheine, kostenlose SSR-Waffenboxen, sowie limitierte kosmetische Belohnungen. Verpass es nicht!

Additional information
Level Infinite
In-app Purchases
Update Time
System Requirements
No System Requirements
USK ab 12 Jahren
out of 10


Ellie Kin
Ellie Kin
The game draws you in with a peaceful and pleasant performance, as if the summer breeze gave birth to you curb the expanses of sleep.. But after a couple of days, you begin to understand that the real soul is minimal here and everything is attached to the grind and rivalry with other players. Nevertheless, there are new mechanics, the gacha is quite generous and you can generally live without investing in the game. The design of the world and characters is based on Genshin, even the idle animation of the character here is the same as that of the main character in Genshin (I generally keep quiet about the similarity of Lumin with Shirli). You can create your own and interesting character, I will throw off a picture of mine below.
Tower of Fantasy × EVANGELION Reviews
Review Tower Of Fantasy
The Future of Tower of Fantasy Going Into 2024..
Review Tower Of Fantasy
Tower of Fantasy was developed by Hotta Studio and released by Perfect World and Level Infinite. Before being released globally, Tower of Fantasy could only e played in China. The positive response from players in China was the reason Tower of Fantasy was finally released globally. According to some players who saw this game, the gameplay is similar to Honkai Impact but Open World. But in our opinion, the gameplay can be said to be quite free in some ways you can jump, dodge, run, use skills, to change weapons. You can also customize your character according to what you want.
Review Tower Of Fantasy
The Future of Tower of Fantasy Going Into 2024..
Tower of Fantasy going into 2024. Become a Patron over on Patreon! https://stixy.me/Patreon Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ByteStix/ Follow Mrs Stix on Twitter: https://twitter.com/The_short_nurse Tower of Fantasy has a solid, if not relatively linear trajectory: Every 4-6 weeks release a new patch, have new Waifu to spend money to obtain, make some balance adjustments, introduce some fun new game modes - which Tower of Fantasy is really good at by the way. And the odd region every 2 or so patches.
The Future of Tower of Fantasy Going Into 2024..


Tower of Fantasy Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started!
The Tower of Fantasy release feels like it's right around the corner and now is the perfect time to catch up with a guide that has everything you need to know about the game. In here are tons of details about the largest parts of the game including weapons, progression, and activities. Subscribe for more ARPG, Hack 'n Slash, and Looter Videos! A little bit about Vulkan Gaming: Want to know about RPGs before everyone else? I make videos that will give you inside knowledge on games coming to release along with a strong narrative experience. By subscribing to Vulkan Gaming, you become part of a tight-knit community that exchanges tips and tricks to improve your game while having a few laughs in-between.
Tower of Fantasy Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started!
Tower of Fantasy × EVANGELION Guides
Tower of Fantasy Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started!
Tower Of Fantasy - Update 3.2 Huang/Gameplay Cool New Events
PULL or PASS?! The Icarus Deep Dive Review...RIP Tower of Fantasy
How to get NANO PROTECTIVE SUIT ( Magma Shield ) in 2.4 Tower of Fantasy
Tower Of Fantasy - Update 3.2 Huang/Gameplay Cool New Events
Watch More Reviews On My YT Channel The ToF team has blessed us with a bunch of codes. You can have 1 code every seven days. You just need to be active in The Legends Discord. And use the command !tof. The code gives you 1 free Gold Summon and 5 SR relic parts. The bot will send you the code after some time. Big thanks to the ToF team for being that kind. Tower of Fantasy's official global version is available for iOS, Android and PC now.
Tower Of Fantasy - Update 3.2 Huang/Gameplay Cool New Events
PULL or PASS?! The Icarus Deep Dive Review...RIP Tower of Fantasy
Like & Subscribe to help grow the channel! (′ꈍωꈍ‵) Drop a comment down below! ━━━━━━━━ ▼ 𝙀𝙓𝙋𝘼𝙉𝘿 ▼ ━━━━━━━━ PULL or PASS?! The Icarus Deep Dive Review...RIP Tower of Fantasy 🔥Come chat and play games🔥 ┎┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┒ 💬 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kyriosyuudai 📺 Twitch: https://twitch.tv/kyriosyuudai 📋 Stream Schedule: Tues / Wed / Fri / Sun: 8pm MST 🏡 Our family: https://discord.gg/udvytNc
PULL or PASS?! The Icarus Deep Dive Review...RIP Tower of Fantasy


TapTap News
TapTap News
Tower of Fantasy丨Evangelion Collab Project is coming on March 12.
Imminent crisis is approaching Mirroria. The brave adventurers who control Multipurpose Humanoid Decisive Weapons are ready for the battle. Angel Attack! Evangelion Fantasy, Activate!
Tower of Fantasy丨Evangelion Collab Project is coming on March 12.
Tower of Fantasy × EVANGELION News
Tower of Fantasy丨Evangelion Collab Project is coming on March 12.
[Giveaway] Whether you have played Tower of Fantasy or not, we invite you to join this survey >>>
Tower of Fantasy x Evangelion collaboration announced for 2024
TapTap Editor
TapTap Editor
[Giveaway] Whether you have played Tower of Fantasy or not, we invite you to join this survey >>>
The Tower of Fantasy team wants to hear your feedback. Whether you have played Tower of Fantasy or not, your feedback is equally important. All gamers are welcome to join this survey! This survey is expected to take 5 minutes to complete. Click here to join it: By completing the survey, you'll be entered into a giveaway. 10 randomly chosen participants will be rewarded with a $20 eGift Card (select 1 of the following: Amazon / Shopee / Google Play). Please make sure you fill in your TapTap ID correctly in the survey! (TapTap ID can be found in your profile page)
[Giveaway] Whether you have played Tower of Fantasy or not, we invite you to join this survey >>>
TapTap News
TapTap News
Tower of Fantasy x Evangelion collaboration announced for 2024
The widely popular free-to-play MMORPG, playable on both PC and mobile platforms, Tower of Fantasy is preparing to introduce iconic figures from Evangelion such as Asuka Langley Soryu, Rei Ayanami, Shinji Ikari, and the renowned Evangelion Test Type-01 in the year 2024. These beloved characters are poised to enter the ever-expanding universe of Tower of Fantasy, joining forces in Aida to combat ongoing assaults and embark on exhilarating new adventures alongside Wanderers. To mark this significant collaboration, players can look forward to exclusive content including time-limited simulacrums, storylines, attire, and customized vehicles, promising an added layer of thrill to the gaming experience.
Tower of Fantasy x Evangelion collaboration announced for 2024


What is the latest version of Tower of Fantasy × EVANGELION? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Tower of Fantasy × EVANGELION is 1.0.0, updated at 2024-03-12.

what's new in the latest version of Tower of Fantasy × EVANGELION?icon

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Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Tower of Fantasy × EVANGELION is Level Infinite.

Can I play Tower of Fantasy × EVANGELION on Android/iOS?icon

Now Tower of Fantasy × EVANGELION is available on Android and iOS.

What languages are supported by the game?icon

Tower of Fantasy × EVANGELION supports 1 languages including English etc.

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