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Nota Gelap

Nota Gelap

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Nota Gelap ialah permainan teka-teki plot suspens gelap. Ia adalah gaya baru teka-teki kerja baharu yang dicuba oleh Black Book Studio di bawah pasukan Pengantin Kertas. Anda akan memainkan dua protagonis, mengembara melalui masa dan ruang, untuk meneroka rahsia yang tersembunyi di pusat membeli-belah kebahagiaan! Apabila kebenaran beransur-ansur menjadi jelas, rahsia yang berkait rapat dengan kedua-dua orang terserlah... ...apa yang anda mahu percaya ialah Kisah Dongeng yang sempurna. 【Ciri Permainan】 - Perspektif dwi protagonis, pengalaman berbeza Anda akan memainkan dua protagonis, secara beransur-ansur menyusun kebenaran gelap dalam pelbagai masa, ruang dan perspektif. - Pelbagai kebenaran, lapisan pembalikan Sempadan antara kebenaran dan pembohongan beransur-ansur kabur. Ia sangat sukar untuk dibezakan seperti gelung Möbius. - Teka-teki organ yang membakar otak Teka-teki yang direka dengan teliti dipadankan rapat dengan plot khianat, yang membawa pengalaman sumbang saran pemain semasa memimpin plot. - Lebih dekat dengan realiti Pusat beli-belah sepi, lampu berkelip-kelip, restoran tertekan memberi anda rendaman yang lebih realistik.
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HeartBeat Plus
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out of 10

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Dark Notes - Gameplay Android iOS
Game: Dark Notes Genre: Puzzle Gameplay: DARK NOTES GAME A notebook that transcends the space and time. An adventure full of thrills. A meticulously arranged mystery. A flawless lie. The truth serves as the riddle, and the motive is the answer. You fall into the trap the moment you believe it. A fairytale is written based on the secrets and evils of darkness, while the truth buried in the sands of time by the "demon" remains hidden forever. Dark Notes is a dark mystery and puzzle game by HeartBeat Plus. It represents the company's endeavor to venture into a new genre. You will play as the two protagonists, traveling through time and space to explore the secrets hidden in Happiness Mall! As the truth slowly unravels, a secret concerning both protagonists surfaces... ...Anything can be a perfect fairytale as long as you believe it. [Game features] -The dual-protagonist perspective offers a unique gaming experience. You will play as the two protagonists and travel through space and time to piece together the truth of the darkness from different perspectives. -Multiple versions of truth, full of twists and turns The truth and lies are hardly distinguishable, much like a Möbius strip. -Challenging puzzles Well-crafted puzzles provide clues that are closely related to the plot. While helping the story progress, the puzzles also offer a mind-twisting experience for players. -More realistic graphic style The bleak and deserted mall, dim and flickering lights, and quiet and depressed restaurant contribute to a more realistic and immersive experience. Dark Notes Official Release.


When was this game updated?icon

Dark Notes is updated at 2023-02-20.

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The provider of Dark Notes is HeartBeat Plus.

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