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Kill Dash
Kill Dash - Selth's Posts - TapTap

1K View2022-01-15
Very nice gameplay and aesthetic, maintaining a long chain of kills feels pretty satisfying.
The only issue is, as other users have said, that the game is very laggy, i'm playing with lag all the time in my device but it's understandable since the game is in early acces.
Really promising and unique overall, but it needs to get rid of the lag ASAP.
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Very decent gameplay but it still needs improvements because if you play death chain you will lag especially if you are a Mobile Player
It's good, just has a few bugs. Try fixing these.
 I think the game needs to fix these 3 aspects. 1. The scope lag, when using a sniper scope. 2. The progress tracker for ranked, there should be no absolute difference between FPP and TPP, that's just dumb. 3. The match survey actually ruins the gameplay experience itself. Get rid of it or basically repair the system bug. 4. Character bugs, sometimes based on the legend your playing a single pixel will trap you in a room. As well as some emotes are unfinished and buggy.
Robert F. Atrozskin2K2022-05-23
The game is fantastic for those who wish to indulge themselves in the use of midevil weaponry. It is fun and well made, the game is impressive with all its features. The only issue I have is when playing, I often get ganged up so easily in the game and it gets chaotic at times.
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