Censorship, ewwww, non f2p friendly, ewwwww
You better realize what the players play this game for to begin with, the gameplay isn't great, the game is buggy as hell, you people left no time for the game to develop and straight up slap in censorship and make this game unhealthy for f2p player is like you trying to speed runthis game from open to closed
what did they censor in this version?
A lot of the 6 star artwork like Robin hood's and Copernicus final artwork
Ugh, and here I was looking forward to playing it. This is why a lot of games don't get global releases, because of sensitive people complaining about showing too much skin and crap but don't say a word when it comes to gore and murder. Those people are pathetic and ruin games.
I was hoping the TapTap version would be free of that but I guess not.