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War After: PvP Shooter
War After: PvP Shooter - Ryu's Posts - TapTap

814 View2022-01-16
The graphics is nice ngl gameplay is decent. Overall decent game aside from that this game is P2W like to get an "Epic" weapon you need to buy it with real money and you also need to spend thousands of gold to get the blue attachment,frags and booster. If you encounter player with 2000+ power and your power is 400+ they will literally 2 hit you and you died lol
P2W system gotta go man
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The graphics are alright, it is a fun game though. But it's P2W and the Matchmaking is not fair you can be level 5 ir above and you get an opponent with a max p2w gun 💀.
well refined gameplay and gunplay, decent graphic, there's no need for a super realistic graphic since this is a competitive multiplayer fps game,all the movement is smooth and tactical, overall i'm loving this game,the only downside is the server,i hope they launch it globally as soon as possible and add more server for a better connection
EASY GOING4422024-01-17
The style of the game is really great. Each of the characters has their own stories which make the game great. Every time you change weapon, your abilities will change and the growth of your abilities is non-linear. There are different regions to explore and to experience their cultures. Overall, the gameplay is simple and easy, story-wise it's good, the character design are great and it really fits the aesthetics of the game.
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