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Disney Twisted-Wonderland
Disney Twisted-Wonderland - akira asylan's Posts - TapTap

707 View2022-01-22
1. Gameplay 9/10
The battle is great for a non-combat game . you can't just spam everything to clear the stage . it required a bit of strategy to win . I didn't expect that until after I fought Riddle .
it doesn't have stamina system for the main story . there's no need to collect ticket or anything . just clear the stage to unlock the next one . you only have stamina system in lesson which for me not really a big deal .
2. Story 7/10
though the story isn't groundbreaking , it's still interesting enough for me to invest in the plot . it's still have cliche tropes but the dev know how to use them properly . some chapters can feel quite lengthy but for most parts , the writers know how to keep you hook .
big applause for the MC . I like that the MC has a little bit of humour and can be sarcastic at a time too . the MC isn't just the yes-man and all positive like we used to see in otome game .
the only thing I dislike is the game mentioned it's an all-boys school . that breaks the immersion I have in the story as I consider my MC as a girl . of course the game never specify our gender , the fact that we're going to an all-boys school is enough to tell my MC isn't a girl . yeah I can keep pretending my MC is a girl but that fact still sit at the back of my head .
3. Overall 7.5/10
It's a good game with interesting stories and characters . the bgm captured the mysterious and out-of-place vibe we get from the story . the art style isn't my cup of tea but it's still has its own charm and fit with the theme . so far ,the game feels f2p to me but this might change after I get deeper into the game . we'll see for now .
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I give 5 stars for this game. It belongs to Youstar camp, which I like the most. (⁠✪⁠㉨⁠✪⁠) What's better than a girl with animal ears holding a gun? (⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠) ok 1. The game will be a turn-based style, play continuously, find items, upgrade characters, climb the PVP ranks, but there will be some seriousness during events or boss stages. 2. The gameplay doesn't seem very new. The character will attack automatically. The player has a duty to just press the skill at the right time. There is an Auto, there is ×3.
Hiroshi Kururugi1K2023-08-03
Really a good game, with great potential but not perfect
•As for the graphics, it's really good, the locations are well structured and quite different from each other. •While the sound isn't that great, it's good all in all but quite monotonous, the soundtrack is repetitive while the sound effects are normal they should be improved, It would be great to add more ambient sounds. •The characters are many and interesting, with different abilities, with a proper upgrade and skin system, it would be nice to have your own main character to create and customize.
Combat : 10/10 Character design: 10/10 Have skip button: 10/10 Weapon banner with 100% drop : 10/10 Music, I listened to over 20 tracks in the game, surprised because they invested so much. Monsters will sometimes fight each other, it makes me feel a lot more realistic, the boss has a high difficulty, if you are a pro, you can try
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