have played and just updated this on (5-26)
Basically unplayable right now, there are basically zero people online, meaning that you can't even properly play a match. The graphics are far from impressive, but ig it understandable as it is a mobile game. I obviously can't say anything about the combat as I haven't even fought a single person yet, but from just running around, it just feels very janky. First off the animations are just simply bad, the guns clip into the character model and the running animation and audio aren't even lined up. But overall take this review with a grain of salt as the game is in early beta still, so hopefully changes will come at release for the better. Update- I was finally able to play, and it was not fun at all. It feels so gross to aim, and shoot, in most of the matches I played was even on the top of the leaderboard. It just still needs some things refined so maybe when its out of beta, or a major update is released I'll give it another try and possibly do another update.
u guys need to lift bro.
Dear Hunter, Currently, Torchlight: Infinite will be focusing on PVE gameplay. By adding PvP, we will have to limit the possibility of BD creation. We are still thinking about the gameplay balance.
i have 500k dps and i am not 1 shotting things how can I be as alpha as you?