Fun Game, but need improvement in level design and here's some feedback suggestion.
- basic smelter needs higher tier product such as gears ? it comes from more advanced processing facility. what if you suddenly lose your basic smelter for some reason ? it happens.
- hundreds iron plates for some extractor ? i know it's a grinding game, but it's an extractor, not some spaceship parts.
- mining and collecting some irons and copper for a while, putting them in car storage, then the car got stuck on some terrains ? or maybe hitting an npc then got tossed to the sky ? say goodbye to those hard earned resource as recalling the car will empty it's storage.
- would be nice to be able to search for particular resource that i need with some kind of scanners that search not only on mini map, but direct them on main screen.
- i wonder how to customize buttons location, can't found it on settings menu ?
- a little mount button for car would be great, so i dont have to click 3 times just to get into my car.
- i can't seem to find where my current building/facility limits are during home crafting.
i know the game would be great in the future, so I'll wait until then, I hope later I could restart my game account as I already binded it with my emails.