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Total Football - Ramadan
Total Football - Soccer Game - DElmer's Posts - TapTap

1K View2022-03-03
Alot like fifa which imo is bad (personal preference) and not realistic aswell and the ai get extremely hard out of no where in career "challenge mode" more like scripted mode cause anything you do they know which is not fun to deal with and not fair. The graphics are very nice tho the best I've seen actually on mobile for a Soccer game. The stamina system has to go btw or the game won't survive the other competitors (pes and fifa) have removed that along time ago and its pointless to keep. The controls are very good and very responsive the most responsive I've used tbh. commentary is garbage I think everyone can agree on that. Should add a difficulty option for career.
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Agung Rama
Agung Rama

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Everything is my opinion. It's really bad. Heavy player movement, long delay respon / action . Graphics not so good even though the highest setting. Few camera option. Team player movement & positioning are bad, FIFA PC, TOTAL FOOTBALL, BE A pro football are better than this. Too many clicking on home menu especially to collect rewards, it just need collect them all automatically after achieved it, we will collect them after all. And I don't know how to do skill in the game.
Playing soccer has never been this competitive
Way too many ads! An ad will already appear the first thing you open the game. What I like about it is that it has a mode selection wherein you can choose to play for either a quick match or a career mode. It has simple controls and the goal is just to score for the team. I tried playing the quick match first cause I was expecting it to be like a warm-up game before the serious gaming for career mode. You get to customize your player from head to toe, and it will be a 1v1 game.
awesome graphics good game play it is alittle pay to win to get packs and coins to buy the best players one feature i dont like is highest OVR because its not like fifa then since you can make a team good and to easily so its not like fifa where you spend awhile getting your team and making it the best the aspects of the game arnt the same other why's its a well made game
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