Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade has released a number of updates during its live stream. These include the full opening animation produced by MAPPA, gameplay showcase, and 3 original characters with their information revealed for the first time.
The animation is produced by MAPPA, and the opening song "アヴァン" by Eve.
Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade battle showcase
In addition, information on three original characters is released at the same time.
At the same time, information about three original characters Rindo Saki, Yuki Kaito, Nagino Kensuke is also released.
Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade will be released in Japan in 2022.
Thanks for making APEX LEGEND available while we can't actually play the game. NICE TRY. DON'T TRY AGAIN.
Lol this looks like Sao alicization with the flash game like animation, graphics is good but gameplay looks stale af...
So basically I pre-registred for months just for the game to be in Japanese? Wow.
thats expected for all anime games