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T3 Arena
T3 Arena - VanV1's Posts - TapTap

762 View2022-03-17
If your casual or semi casual this is for you...if your competive the lack of chat function might be a problem with you, so heres my review.
-its free and new
-the heroes are well balanced
-easy to unlock heroes except some few which you need to grind to unlock
-lots of gamemode like Capture the Hill,Tower Defense,Payload,free for all and Team Death Match
-unsure if it would be P2W cause of the fragments needed for leveling heroes
-the heroes are well balanced but if there's multi role in a team thats a problem think of engineer with their robots is like fighting 4 players if theres 2 engineer
-most maps doesn't have good vantage point for sniper and are all favored for flanking heroes with all those obstacles and flanking areas soo to all who would play as Sniper be ready to fight in close quarter
-it doesnt have any chat function which sucks cause you will endup teaming with noobs who dont read the tutorials before choosing a gamemode.
-Please fix the connection problem...the more time i play this game the more laggy/dced it became even though i dont have any problem playing other games
-add a chat function for more team building experience i know you didnt add that function to lessen the toxity but it needed
-don't add loot box as item can be brought in store the only people who could benifit from these are the cash player, just add some hero and weapon costumes to keep the balance for players and give yourself some earning funds
-design a map that can be advantageous to any heroes cause most maps are in favor of flanking
-limit the heroes in a match to 1 instead of having dupes hero
soo far its barely playable to me cause of the lag, the more i play the more laggy it became...hope they fix that
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Thanks for your review and sorry for the trouble. FPS drop and crashe are the questions we are working on.You can join our Discord: https://discord.gg/ErQpbgjBms, and you will know the latest Update Announcement.


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VanV1 Author

Hope you guys put some limit cap in heroes, having multiple of that engineering girl is kinda OP.... Its like fighting 3v5 match with they're summon also fix the connection connectivity its getting annoying


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just go into settings click on layout and there you can change it from auto fire


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been playing for a few weeks off and on now, the more you lvl up the let's bots you in counter which I actually enjoyed that aspect of the game, gave a insensitive to try to heroes rather then in practice mode, my only thing is *communication*, no mic support or in game commands other than "good job" (maybe that's overlook... When playing team objective modes and especially payload I believe communication is important to play strategic with your team, other than that this is a really fun game! Also that sniper dude is OP, needs a nerd
Call Me Trent1K2022-06-01
❗❗❗❗❗EVERYONE LOOKOUT MY REVIEW THIS WILL BE VERY HELP FULL FOR NEW PLAYERS READ FULL❗❗❗❗❗❗I rate this game 3 star bcoz the developers are focus on money I think....players who spend lot of money is always god...free players are like just wandering around the map and gather build kill repeat....there is no other things....free players weapons deal low damage....but if you buy a new gun with epic skin it can deal a massive damage to hostiles and kill with in a sec....in missions with online players our teams or enemies will be paid players who has powerful skin, Armor,healing and much more things where free players didn't get and they will be win or mvp every match bcoz we have skill but no money 😭....can anybody suggest me a game same like this but better than this please 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼😭😭.
PITCH BLACK1302024-04-24
👍 Pros: well, good as it looks, very appealing. Mechanism is good but not really getting easier to understand. Character abilities and such are also like it's obvious to have something instead of having them aimlessly. Best thing is they removed gun abilities which annoyed me and made me quit. Graphics is clean, like it's good and best part is game is playable for low-end phones. Which is good considering, play store has lots of games that's either incompatible nor playable for them. In terms of events, I'm not sure about it, I hardly had a look.
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