I’ll say this is much better than most free games that I find on the app store and it doesn’t feel locked in by paywalls or ads. Thank God. I’ve played torchlight 2 for maybe 80ish hours and found it to be a lot of fun with replaybility. Was really excited for what the new mobile game release had to offer so here we go with the goods and bads:
-Beautiful Graphics
-Well developed story
-Tons to customize
-Mob variety
-Difficulty option?
-Skip story option?
-Can be overwhelming trying to switch “classes”
-Mobs are sometimes spread out far or just sit in clusters
-Maps can feel tight
-Took a long time to unlock gear upgrades/enchanting
Overall I’d give a 8/10 because of the replayability and the thrill of well done dungeon crawling. Just would like to see a couple changes or for some things to be simply smoothed over. Currently have a level 40 commander and have watched others play as well. Happy speed running!
Thank you for your feedback and suggestion! We are aware of some of the class switching costs now, and we do have plans for better optimization for the final release. :D
Author liked国服tap论坛账号已被禁言,发帖受限。火炬之光无限 让封号,删帖,禁言来得更猛烈些吧。 只许主播吃肉,不准PM喝汤? 封号,删帖,禁言。也休想阻挡我。 经官方,客服“实锤”。交易异常“一视同仁”,都封。主播封两天交易行,PM封七天账号。妥妥的“一视同仁” 主播两天交易行=PM七天账号。 各个平台的主播,造车,刷火卖火赚钱的,一天几万火的卖都不封号,加你们官方直播群了?给白名单了? 我想知道你们封的依据是什么? 我和几个朋友 让封号,删帖,禁言来得更猛烈些吧。 只许主播吃肉,不准PM喝汤? 封号(四五个),删帖(已删100+),禁言。也休想阻挡我。 经官方,客服“实锤”。交易异常“一视同仁”,都封。主播封两天交易行,PM封七天账号。妥妥的“一视同仁” 主播两天交易行=PM七天账号。 各个平台的主播,造车,刷火卖火赚钱的,一天几万火的卖都不封号,加你们官方直播群了?给白名单了? 我想知道你们封的依据是什么? 我和几个朋友玩了那么多个赛季,每个赛季都是谁火多就支援点,你不开放自由交易,我们只能挂交易行,这难道不正常? 难道只能去主播哪里造车,修车,挨宰才可以? 这种主播号为什么不封,明码标价的造车修车,造车修车的火不是买的是怎么来的? 你们发布会特邀嘉宾老孤独直播间都宣传买卖火交易小程序千岛电玩。为什么不封号呢?就因为是主播?有特权? 现在就是很搞笑的局面。 问:伤害低打不过图怎么办? 答:买装备打造。 问:一两件核心装备被炒到上万火了怎么搞火? 答:刷本爆火。 问:我刷低级本爆上万火? 答:你可以刷高级本。 问:高级本伤害低打不过怎么办? 答:买装备打造。 问:…… 问:那我直接买火打造。 答:不好意思,违规交易封号。 问:那我只能打低级图攒上万火。 答:是的。 问:*******,你开个交易行还立牌坊? 一个灵沙卖999的屁事没有,市场价买律动算异常交易,连个客服都找不到,发个邮件说你异常就是异常,不服滚。