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Watcher Chronicles
Watcher Chronicles - Cristi's Posts - TapTap

815 View2022-04-30
not worth the time or money to play this.
-Weak story
-Too little weapons to craft
-No invasion or something which is not fun
-boring af
-Tutorial boss is way too hard and you need to like block all his attacks perfect and just 1 hit repeat sucks.
-Map sucks too
-Grotesgue key doesnt even say what it does but it cost 8k and we suppose to know or something what it does
-No magic weapon until later in the game i think
-Fall damage sucks,it is a soul like aspect but it does sucks
-The Ascent map sucks too,i moved a lot and only found 1 shrine is is the one at the bridge where you enter the map
-The System that you need keys to open doors sucks too,where the f to get them? you finish a map,fight the boss and then move to next map,where is the key?
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This is a pretty fun game reminiscent of Baldur's Gate and Diablo II. it has a classic element to it and it was only made by just one guy which is pretty cool! the ads are very few and reasonable, and you can but he game to remove it and get some premium things in the game like unlocking some premium chests you may find and gambling and some other things. at first I found navigation of pretty much everything pretty confusing and the UI super cluttered, but I got used to it and it's okay. Most of this game you'll spend in dungeon crawler kind of situations. Even at maximum level plenty of creatures towards the end can still easily kill you if you're not careful so the game is challenging allt he way through. the environments are detailed in unexpected ways, like foliage moving and skulls under your feet rolling out of the way. i wasn't expecting that out of a lower resolution graphics game! I would have appreciated being able to turn on and off the music, as one of the dungeon/cave tracks that plays in many of the maps is super repetitive. Another drawback is the story. It is extremely boring. not because the idea is stale but there is very little development or meaningful engagement with the story and the ending is abrupt and very anticlimactic. I was disappointed with that but the game overall is still lots of fun and totally worth it to play as a vintage feeling top down fantasy hack and slash!
Alright guys my first review on this game i looked at the other reviews and instantly downloaded the game and i must say i was uterly dissapointed.1. No campaign 2. Only 5 easy tutorials, 3 medium tutorials and 1 hard tutorial are the only ways to gain resources and coins which makes it super necesary to pvp which makes it the only source of income.3.I have battled many times until i got to level 3 and since i was level 1 my enemies were level 5 players and that means many, many losses (started with 1000 points, currently 700)  but thats not the problem.4. Units are unbalanced or the enemy was op there was a team of archers which uterly eradicated my entire cavalry 1vs1 and they couldn't even reach the enemy.(Many units don't act as they should for example a swordsman [sword and shield] should be able to defeat a spearman of the same level.)5.There is a wait time for recruiting units and they are costly for now at least, you can speed it up by paying with gold or watching ads (not working).6. Spending money on this game can buy everything.I hope they fix this game i suggest you guys try it, its is a unique kind of game with a great concept but it needs a bit of work 😉.
Nice game, difficult, very challenging, however the grind becomes way to monotonous and eventually boring, battle pass is way too expensive for the stuff you get, plain, some bosses feels op but its free to play. If you want to change the heroes you have to grind a lot. Same applies for weapons.
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