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Morphite - CLERIC's Posts - TapTap

2K View2022-05-10
Love the artwork and music ; gameplay is not that but the tutorials are trash doesn't really help the player.
Also the black screen problem is right there .
After playing sometimes I find it so much boring .Well I am expecting it's to be like Journey to the savage planet but I expect better from this game.
I hope they make this a little better
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I like the art style. The tutorial seems endless and the navigation is a pain in the ass. It definitely has potential but the gameplay feels hollow and unrewarding
I love the graphics and the music but the game has a terrible controls. It's just a prologue and you give players a hard time surpassing that specific area. It's not worth my time.
DiePeacefully 3412024-01-05
the graphics in this game are great. The sounds and voiceovers are awesome! The story leaves a little to be desired, though. I have tried a few times to get into this game and I just can’t stay interested for long, sadly.
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