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HyakKinder - 𝑴o̲llth's Posts - TapTap

2K View2022-05-12
Hello, I'm one of the game's players, and I wanted to say that I really enjoyed the game, but as I'm from Brazil and don't have Brazilian servers, I have a little bit of problems. The flaws are both in the ping and in the language, since I don't know how to speak your language. I ask you to add a Brazilian server, and if possible, a language in Portuguese (pt br), please. 
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ANDI really liked the game, but I'm from Brazil so I can only play with a lot of lag so if you could make a server for Brazilians that would be cool 👍👍
sailo ghoat1K2023-08-29
We Remember !
In Game Name: CMDㇱVemNoobar Time played: Almost a year, every day Money Spend: 400+ Hello dear Dev's, we are from CMD DOJO, the biggest Dojo on South America. Most of our players, play this game since we have a dedicaded server, the São Paulo server, as a communit we would like to keeping supoorting the game, and helping it to grow on SA, and Brazil, some of the biggest game markets in the world. But, since 07/01/2023, our server has been removed from the options to be choose. We discovered a way to acess it, but we cannot do that in friendly battle, so we cannot run tournaments proprely, the ping in EUA servers is over 175+ and in mexico, we cannot even acess. It may be a suprise but México is not in South América ! Oo
Hello, dear developers. The game is super, causes a lot of pleasant emotions and a sense of nostalgia for a very similar game mechanics from the pc. The only thing I would really like to see is new servers in ranked matches. I'm a player from Russia and I have ~300 ping in ranked matches, which is not playable. And in unranked games I don't understand, am I playing with bots or humans (but there ping is 60)? Thanks for this great game.
Дмитрий «Yalloron» Варнали2K2023-02-09
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