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Battlefield Mobile Alpha 3 - still needs a lot of work

Battlefield Mobile Alpha 3 - still needs a lot of work

2K View2022-05-26
Okay my last review was savage, this time I turned up the graphics to max, frame rates to highest and yeah there's a noticeable improvement. E.g. HUD and end of battle progression screens .
This is my third time around in the Battlefield alpha's. There's plenty I don't like, but one example of what I did like that feels like the battlefield aesthetic was the gun sway during player movement, it works, and to  me that's a very typical Battlefield game feature and here it's methodically slowed, or purposefully so. But I dunno if it's needed.
Overall this doesn't feel like you'e in a Battlefield game. The Devs have slapped the Battlefield logo on this shooter but let's be real this ain't Battlefield.
So after my initial write  up I'm a few hours into this new alpha. I noticed on the credits it's Unreal Engine, nice, I didn't know that.
But the things I didn't like remain the same. I don't like the vehicle control schema. The shooting feels janky, autofire? What the hell is up with that yellow ring Devs, is this is the Fisher Price of FPS games? Overall the movement across any given map feels like you're on a dial up connection, or wading your way through pea soup, it's not smooth or fluid in any portion of the gameplay, it's really choppy. And despite my graphics set to max it still looks pretty bad.
Anyway we still have a ways to go. The amount of slurpeez praising this is really unbelievable. My first pass of this alpha reads very pleasing. But the fans are gonna kill this unless there's more critical feedback, it's needed, I mean if it didn't have Battlefield on it you would never accept it.
The other question in my mind is, does EA have another hit on their hands? The answer is No,not right now. The bar for success is pretty high, I mean Apex Legends Mobile knocked it out of the park so Battlefield will have to do something special to beat that one.
Honestly I can't wait to see the next iteration of Battlefield,
I'm worried if they shipped this as is the same twats who praised the alpha's would be the first to light the flames of woe, and right now the game, gawd, it'ss still pretty awful.
So you'd think that they can only improve it from here, but they won't unless they receive more genuine feedback other than suck holing.
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