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Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds
Netmarble will become a Marble lol

Netmarble will become a Marble lol

783 View2022-05-26
Ni no kuni or should i name it Genshin's Successor!
after playing genshin since launch AND trying playing this yesterday i can say proudly that i enjoyed this more (as a first timer)
There's some Cons in the game that i honestly didn't mind but i worked my way around them, for example instead of the energy bar they did a CD for everything (☉。☉)!Well it's still
acceptable and i can tell netmarble trying to be original here lol Anyways
-- I liked the idea of Customization (for your character) something we don't see very often in games these days (i give it 9/10)
-- Graphics are VERY GOOD -Maximum Settings- (i turned shadows off cuz i don't see any reason for it to be enabled it will just heat your device) (09/10)
-- Colors, Npcs are also pleasent to look at, feel and chat with
-- I like the new Paimon XD (10/10) Pets are cute
-This is my own Opinion if you disagree or has a different view please do tell-
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Kaiju Kawaii
Kaiju Kawaii

This game is nothing like genshin, the auto things ruins the experience, movements and fighting animation doesn't even come close to genshin. the game is pretty tho. story is meh, your locked into one class from the start, unlike genshin where you can switch between different classes(characters/weapons) I thought the auto thing was just gonna be a like tutorial stage thing and stop once you understand how everything works, but nope lol it is a super aggressive auto system. I could go on about the scummy devs behind the game to the p2w ect... at the end of the day that's just my view. I'm glad you really enjoy the game and find happiness in it ^-^


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ヤキ ➖ FEMBOY Author

thank you for your opinion ^^ i didnt say i hate genshin lol i do play it from time to time, but i get your point also i think i might leave genshin and this if tower of fantasy is addictive :P


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Chong Yong Tian
Chong Yong Tian

But the autoplay gives me second thoughts..Genshin seems better


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ヤキ ➖ FEMBOY Author

well i understand what you mean... i forgot to mention the autoplay, i dont think it's deadly for the game tho. after all you can't auto kill the monsters lol you need to dodge their attacks so it's feasible. I guess they did the auto thingy for more friendly gameplay (although most people didn't understand the game as i saw from chats and stuff)


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Personally, I enjoyed the game since release as I like the similarity in combat when comparing it to Honkai/PGR. Graphics, story, and playability definitely improved on global during the updates so I gotta give credit. Only problem is that it seems pretty rushed since they're trying to catch up to the CN updates and it's killing a lot of players who can't keep up. Overall I'd give this 4 stars. Was supposed to rate 3, but they did a good job with adding a lot of things to do and battle plus the visible improvements.
First impressions nice game...beautiful graphics, and well prepared gameplay mechanics...the dev team take good aspect from another popular games...some part remind me about ff, zelda, genshin, nier etc...hope the story would good too... So imho this game wouldn't be genshin killer, cuz same class but different species... Ps : to other global player please put the review about the game, not just whining about log in or global release...
Serotin Vimers9242021-12-19
I really didn't expect the game to be awesome , the gameplay is fun , the story is interesting the moving and combat mechanisms are really satisfying. The only downside of this game right now is , the game is not really recommend for low or mid devices.And it doesn't have graphic settings . Energy consuming .I play genshin smoothly on my phone but this one is really laggy , I hope the developers will improve their game over time .
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