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T3 Arena
Need more HUD options

Need more HUD options

1K View2022-05-27
Its a good game. But I'd love to have more options on the hud buttons. I don't like that the fire button moves the camera while Im shooting, so an option to change that wouod be great. Nothing else to say, characters are cute, gameplay is fun, skills are useful,skills are useful, maps are somehow "empty" but it's func to play.
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Needs ! More creative ways to play.. But Good AsF! On a sucky phones. And Controller Options
I've been playing for week . And honestly this Game has such a  Good creative design everything made looks like something from a high quality shooter Game, on the switch or Xbox, ide love to see more improvements! And ways to play like interchangeable quirk system or card systematic shuffle border but honestly u get a lil bit of backyard run a muck high lv slaughter house bigger. dog fights lil dog. It would be better if they took some examples from . CALL  OF DUTY AND APEX LEGENDS. Or even Fort Night. YET still a Great Vibe. And goodles Game for when u want to blast something.  Also for a game that like music there should be a song changing list.
this game is a lot of fun... but it needs some things. more guns and equipment, if it is staying online it would be awesome for multiplayer. the controls are not horrifiying, but could use some work, like other comands, like jumping. i like the cover mechinizem, but it can get a little annoying. a team of 4 would be great. but this game over all is great!
The graphics is so realistic, i like the concept but there needs to be more maps, weapons and possibly more game modes because as of right now the game is plain boring. EDIT: Haha, i forgot to mention the auto-fire system, is it really necessary to have an only auto fire function?
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