
Games worth discovering

CounterSide - Jennifer Scarlet's Posts - TapTap

2K View2022-05-27
Well, this game is fine, let's talk about the pros:
+ The graphic is eye-catching, better than many generic gacha games out there.
+ The audio is okay, jp voice is available for anyone interest
+ About gameplay, kinda simple and friendly at first, with role and type, easy to engage
+ About story, it's alright but i bet half of you guys not really into these storyline in gacha games so just skip it
+ This Global server is new and I must admit there're many events and rewards for you.
+ PVP not gonna be p2w that much, atleast f2p players can attend and get decent amount of rewards, just can't get to the top
+ This game will be grindy later, so it's not for everyone.
+ Everything is repetitive after awhile, with all these grind, you may soon give up on this game
+ We've already got the SEA server for 1 or 2 years, this Global verse is kinda late tho i know many people never have a chance to try it before.
+ Let's see how it's gonna be after the honeymoon, is it actually f2p? Is it alive with many events?
So if you wanna try, let's give it a shot, I think it's worth

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This is a very basic gacha. 👍 Pros: The graphics are ok and the game runs really smooth even on low end devices. The rates don't seem too bad and you get quite a lot of summons at the start. The ability to save your pull during the free multi pull is nice. The battle system is based around cards and interesting enough but you will probably be using auto most of the time anyway. 👎 Cons: It plays out like an idle game. Already before the end of chapter two I'm stuck with reaching a roadblock in the tower for resources and not being able to continue in the story which means all there is to do is log off or grind stages. You will reach this stage within an hour meaning you've got less than an hour's gameplay before you're stuck and unable to progress.
Justanother Nobody1042024-05-09
Opinion: one of the best gacha games 👍 Pros: free to play (of course you still need to save your resources) , hero gacha is usually not a big problem since you got enough to pity most heroes released (moonlight heroes - heroes with element light and dark - excluded) when you been played for a while , PvP give all players opportunity to win against even stronger players (this is also a con, mention later), devs give quite much reward in events, new player event is real good
A game made for me!!
Note my review is for the CN version which has been running for about a year now. Characters are good. I won't say that they are particularly outstanding, but they have good art and are well-developed to be above most gacha games. Also, before you ask - yes, there are husbandos in Girls' Frontline. Now that's a husbando. Media is amazing. The UI/UX is a bit generic, but it is clean and minimalist, and a huge improvement from Girls' Frontline. The Character Art is great; the Live2D Skins are really high quality.
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