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T3 Arena
T3 Arena - Ogeyrrat's Posts - TapTap

922 View2022-05-28
I've noticed some of new player think this game is eazy and showing off they're 15 kill streak. I'm sorry to say the bad news, but your fighting a bot match. Why is that, you ask? Probably because your still new and low at glory points. At glory 20 or higher, you gonna match some players. But most of the time, your still getting match up with bots because of it low growing player base.
I'm going to show you some tips what to determine what's a bot match and what not.
Look at the picture 1, notice that there's 2 viktor(green guy) and 2 sindri(girl with cat ear).this indicate it's a bot match because the game give each each team the same heroes so the match become balance.
Also the name of the bots. If you read some of the names, you will notice some of there names are either generic or foreign name. There are some foreign name that are actually player but most of the time, they're are bot.
Lastly, they're movement ingame. Let's say you got killed by one of them bot, sometime they stop moving for 1 second then proceed to target they're next prey.
So how exactly can i determine a real player? Well take a look at picture 2.
Now this is a real match. Well there still some bots for each team.. but at least there are 3 more players than before.
First way to identify a real player from bot is if the player is using a border in they're heroes. You might be asking why the orange hair girl doesn't have a border? Probably because she haven't got any or she doesn't like to use border. But i can assure you that a real player because that hero is still new so the bots cannot use it yet.
Second way to identify is if they have a skin on they're hero.
And lastly, they're name. See no generic names and 1 probably google translate name.
Hope this help you determine people from bots. Cuz if you say the game is easy and show us veteran a bot match, your just gonna be a laughing stock.
Have fun now.😁😁
Mentioned games

Ah, thanks for this. I'm about to download the game and I was confused on whether or not I was going up against bots or players.


Bilal Ahmadzai
Bilal Ahmadzai

no you've to have a bad day the new players are stupid kids and they won the game every day because they haven't play it yet stupid man


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THe game doesn't mention anywhere that you are playing bots I had to play the game till lvl 10 so I could to talk in chat hub and everyone confirmed it you don't play against people it's only bots
Way to many bots I probably played 100 matches ranked never lost once 20 kills per game never ppl always bots
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MY GOD! every game my team is always made up of 3 to 4 bots, how to I know their bots? one, they have a trash weapon and two, they fucking go head first, seriously if someone (somebot) put a force field in front of them they'll just keep on shooting and walk through it, ALSO! you'll know their bots when their so fucking inaccurate like they'll take some  shooting so fucking inaccurate to kill an enemy who is less than 5% health. I also fucking hate that every time I open about 10 fucking shits pop up,also this shit unbalance
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