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Again some money hungry devs trying to gain money with good graphics but boring games

Again some money hungry devs trying to gain money with good graphics but boring games

1K View2022-05-30
One of the beta players here. This game can't be recommended to anyone. When I tried to install the PC client, the website gets blocked and I can't access it despite having no AV software. Since the beginning it was heavily P2W and whales supporting. When Awakened Mina came in the banner, I tried my everything till the end of the banner but didn't get her. PvP is worst. Even if my characters are 90+ lvl, the opponent can kill me in just 1 shot. It frustrated me so much and ngl the game does get boring even if you are extremely good in it. I left within 5-7 days. Idk why but all latest launched titles like CS, PGR and other games are having dark theme, dark story, dark everything but no goo or enjoyable gameplay
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Lone Walker of life
Lone Walker of life

feels like you are playing the gane wrong if you think only level matters


Mr_Funny_Stickman Author

can you please tell me the right way on how to play it correctly then? because i don't know what progression means. i have seen every people playing and increasing lvl but idk who is wrong or right.


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Hentai Chan
Hentai Chan

Asian player here yeah this game is heavily p2w,I forget what first awaken char I think is hilde and damn boi hilde on pvp is broken even my estarosa can't stand 1v1 with her and about u say want to pull her banner there some like invisible pay wall that why after 2 month I play this game I give up, iam glad still play azur lane from day one till this day


Mr_Funny_Stickman Author

yup even i am an azur lane player who got 2 vanguards xD xD but sure Azur Lane is very beginner friendly and F2P friendly and payment don't make anyone powerful in azur lane


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aaa d
aaa d

how is dark theme related with enjoyable gameplay or no goo... PGR is less aggressive compare to other games like Honkai impact or genshin but you left that out not to say that it's more fun personally give some credit to PGR


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Boring, repetitive, login issues, Substandard Graphics.
Game is like any other Mmorpg on the Market, nothing that I saw stood out to be unique or was different about it, played the game for the day, quests were baseline boring & repetitive, tasks that are given were, go kill this number of beasts/monsters etc, in a repetitive fashion, & when you keep settings in game like auto travel, auto kill, etc available, the game itself becomes boring, & yes you may manually play, but is that worth it? Personally tried both ways, and still found it the same.. Graphics are not that great even at the highest settings, pretty substandard for a mobile game in 2024, that too when you advertise it to be better, made with Unreal engine 5, by far it looks like a game from 2019 at best. Leaving that aside, the worst part is waiting in Queue of several thousands of players just to login, takes 10-20 mins just waiting in game menu & wouldn't want to forget mentioning the 3rd party login Authenticator. I mean come on, who has that much of free time at hand just so we can login to a mobile game that isn't even good. Do you guys think this is some huge game franchise which has a committed fan base? many would not prefer to wait for a borderline bad mobile game like that. 1 star for false advertising about the game & making it worse even with UE 5. Uninstalled.
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This game has one if the most boring gameplay I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing. Missions are a clustered mess with some of the dialogue being illegible, the plot itself is rather flat in that there is no consequence of action when all adventurers in world can just be brought back by the god of adventure. I understand it's probably to explain how and why player can just recover after dying but making it part of the plot just makes all confrontation shallow at the absolute best.
Alright,I wanna be 100 % honest with everyone. This is a complete garbage, a waste of time.80$ for 10 roll for rng character pulls (best character pull chance is nothing more than 3% [!]) There is nothing any enjoyable story , character facials are terrible,if not "dead". Dumbed combat style,limited progression ( Stamina based,time gated) . Audio design is hillariously terrible.. This is a game developed by more than 2 year ,and this is the result!? Even Cs 1.6 has more combat and action than this !
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