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Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang - Greed1sGood's Posts - TapTap

1K View2022-05-30
I was a player from s1 to s20, ive reached the highest rank multiple times even became top 100 from the server but i stopped playing around 2yrs ago. right now this game is dying, too much bug,glitch,cheaters but the dev have no solutions at all. There are too many players abusing the bugs like the heroes ranking. Most top players are trashed who plays only in Master-GM tier. In addition the game is purely copycat. Like 80% of the game contents are copied from pc mobas and the rest are from other different genres of games.
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Lord Axel

"cheaters"😂😂 moonton love letter - ban


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Have been playing this game since the release use to love it but now it seems simply useless, the matchmaking is just too bad, some of the heroes have been buffed unnecessarily and useless revamps take place almost after every six months (changing the appearance and the skills of the character that took days for you to master), half of the time in rank(server asia B) I have met with people who don't even have 800 matches, trolls, afk, intentional rank down and worst of all is that for their poor performance, I have lose stars as well as my MMR. Wouldn't recommend
Blaze Hashira72024-04-12
played almost 2 years and spent a some cash yet this game progresses so slow in some servers and yet new servers are merged to older ones and boom new content for them and we old players are trying to catch up to them. That’s the reason i quit. Dont play the game coz it will literally brainwash you through graphics
Poorly managed and a time waste.
Just uninstalled it after playing it over a year, graphics and design of game is good. The problem is gameplay and matchmaking, champions that are high skill are not rewarding to play even after getting really good at them cause champions are not balanced. The biggest issue is matchmaking if you are not in a group and playing solo queue just don't try and uninstall. Why a player can pick any champion even if it is not their lane. Also reporting players doesn't work as I have done it thousands of times. Players can just purposefully feed enemies and sit in spawn and make their team lose which will happen every third game. Reporting them doesn't do anything cause they are not going to get banned and you keep losing rank.
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