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【12】Odyssey epic?!

【12】Odyssey epic?!

1K View2022-06-02
Hello, everyone!
Today we are talking about the protagonist of the epic Odyssey, who participated in the Trojan War and made plans to conquer Troy for ten years. He is a hero in ancient Greek mythology and the king of itaka island in western Greece - Odysseus.
During the 10-year siege of Troy by the Greek coalition forces, Odysseus was
brave, good at fighting, resourceful and accomplished many miracles.Offer
a Trojan horse, cooperate inside and outside to attack Troy; Blinded the Cyclops; Defeat the witch Circe;Overcome the temptation of Siren's beautiful song; Through the settlements of scura and calyptus; Get rid of the seven-year retention of the goddess Calypso.
The epic's portrayal of the Odyssey image is still positive. His feat of overcoming many difficulties at sea shows the indomitable firm will and heroic spirit of mankind in conquering nature and facing dangers.
Unique skill design... The hero is currently under supervision, so let's
talk about the heroine's unique skill.
That's all for the introduction of Odysseus. If you have any new opinions,please leave a message and let us know. We are looking forward to your suggestions and feedback. I'll see you next time~
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