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ZOZ: Final Hour
ZOZ: Final Hour Gameplay Uncut

ZOZ: Final Hour Gameplay Uncut

2K View2022-06-08
This is an uncut video of a match in ZOZ Final Hour. It's a great game and I would honestly give it a solid 4/5. There is a lot going on and the matches can sometimes go on a bit long but in all is a very fun time. I def feel that a lot of people that enjoy this post apocalyptic genre will love this game instead of throwing in clinky survival skills your more so left defending against very strong zombies which you will most likely get a chance to become one and even taste the flesh of your enemies because if you do happen to die this becomes your objective instead of simply losing. As fun as that sounds if you do survive it can get very challenging very quickly. Maybe it was just me but the PC zombies seem a little OP atm. Either way I found the game to be very entertaining.👌
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ZOZ: Final Hour First Impressions Review
MY OVERALL SCORE 8/10 This game is a ton of fun and runs super smooth. Looting and shooting feels great, and I loved exploring the city and trying to find the blood crystals. The cosmetics in this game are beyond amazing. The cash shop is cosmetic only and done very well. this is a must play for any fan of shooter games. Find and upgrade your weapons while make use of multiple perks and skills, fight a way out with your style!
The user has deleted the account61K2023-01-17
Well what can I say first impressions I think it's brilliant it's got a good idea of having to fight to survive and get the extraction out alive it's ABIT to much tho for the size of the mapi think it definitely need to be lot bigger and the way it also shows you where the blood crystals are on the map and as people are all headed in the same direction as there gets less that needs to change it would be better as treasure hunt and hide and seek.. you know the sound of gun fire can give away your position also shooting a flare gun up in the sky for extraction can also give away your location so just hope nobody else see when you let one of the bad boyz off I think the graphics are so nice too few tweaks here and there and another thing is aiming and shooting something just don't feel right I don't know what it is maybe I just got to get used to it other than that a pretty solid game I may say so for my first go so I will definitely be playing again soon just lots to do on my other games a the moment.. well happy gaming guys
Leo Sky9612023-01-17
ZOZ: Final Hour is an exciting 3rd person loot & shoot mobile game...
ZOZ Final Hour will leave you entertained for hours and coming back for more. The main objective is to scavenge and find 5 blood crystals so that you can extract from the map and save humanity. The world is overrun with zombies and the only hope to bring it back to normal is to collect blood crystals. The graphics are breathtaking for a mobile game. The game runs at 60fps and feels very smooth with no lag or stuttering. The gameplay is fun and never the same experience. Exploring the city to find loot and items so you can survive the zombies is fun in of itself. Even more fun is when you find other live players and engage in combat with them and steal their blood crystals.
The user has deleted the account1K2023-01-17
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