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Diablo Immortal
Disappointing for wizard class

Disappointing for wizard class

3K View2022-06-09
I played Diablo II on PC and Diablo III on PS3 and PS4. On all these series and platforms, I mainly used sorceress/wizard class. This is my first experience playing Diablo on mobile. In term of look and gameplay, Diablo Immortal is related to Diablo II. I am quite disappointed with the wizard class in Diablo Immortal, the skills are underwhelming with relatively long cooldown. I'd rather be able to spam powerful skills only restricted with the amount of mana instead of cooldown time. As for UI, there are too many distracting boxes and icons on the screen. The dialogue box uses a font size that is too large for mobile. The developers should take inspiration from successful mobile games like Genshin Impact. The UI is simple and functional. Overall, I am looking forwards to a proper Diablo game, namely Diablo IV. This one is just disappointing.
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diablo immortal is an interesting game, the controls for the mobile game work well but could us a touch up, The graphics are smooth and renders fps exceptionally well, the voice acting has great and just ok lines but makes up in telling the story in a fantastic way. animations gives you an amazing feeling like you're really playing a PC game, keeps you immersed in the story as you almost forget you're playing on a mobile device!
Diablo on Mobile, but it's disappointed
Have you never heard about Diablo, a blizzard games that from 1997, and it's so popular that we got Diablo on mobile. Diablo Immortal is a Hack n slash games that take place between Diablo 2 and 3. The game is really simple as Diablo 3 did, kill the enemies, fight the strongest enemies, rinse and repeat. It's really fun hack n slash top down top notch action, but feel to me is satisfied. The games has classes that from original, my favorite are necromancer because he was using soldiers to attack the enemies.
Ahmad Baihaqi2K2022-07-10
- good gameplay - a lot dungeons, different kind of bosses - interesting storyline - amazing set of items - a bit laggy, but it depend on phone model - cool mechanics, need a bit more improvements but still good Actually i recommend this game, as a fan of Diablo. This probably the best version for mobile.
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