Welcome to Heartopia! I know that fans around the globe have been waiting for the release of this XD Entertainment title for a while now, but I just wanted to share my opinion on what you can expect to see in the future. With that said, I hope this game comes out soon as it looks amazing and is a solid pick.
Players may be wondering what you are going to do inside of the game and here is what I can tell you. This game will be similar to titles such as, Animal Crossing, and Harvest Moon, where you make your own home from scratch and build ontop of it as you go through the game. Players can engage in activities such as farming, fishing, woodcutting, and maybe even a little bit of cooking. You can expect to put most of your time inside of the game towards doing these tasks since they will allow you to build more objects.
Players will have the option to freely dress their character! I understand that many people far and in-between have character customization on their mind and games like these feature it very prominently. This can range from changing your hairstyle, dressing your character in outfits, and even changing your own gender to suit your personal preference. This is something that many people look forward to and I'm sure that this game will not disappoint.
Alongside dressing up their characters, players will have the opportunity to chat and be friends with NPC's and maybe even some online personas. Games of the genre have been integrating online multiplayer in recent releases and this game might feature it also. While there isn't any confirmed information on this of course, I am a firm believer that the team will see the benefits of having this feature and everything it includes.
Last, but not least, creating your home! When you play a game like Animal Crossing your home is a pivotal part of your everyday gaming life in similar titles. Players can reap the benefits of their hard work by admiring it in full view any time they want. While it will most likely be preset options like similar games, players will be able add things onto their place such as tools, windmills, and other buildings for entertainment purposes. This is personally one of my most favorite parts but maybe not the most popular among the entire population. With that said, I look forward to tbis game's release and what it has to offer.
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Pre-Registered since 4/10/22
My Discord: Cloudy#1176
Project: XD
when release game ?
They have not release a date, but it will be a global release more than likely.
there is closed beta going on right now (but only for CN players and it is limited to 3 thousand selected players only)
Author likedThat's kind of sad then. Guess NA won't get to play it early.
Estou anciosa para jogar, será que vai demorar o lançamento?
Author likedProvavelmente.