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Dead 4 Returns
Finally, a similar one on mobile...

Finally, a similar one on mobile...

2K View2022-06-17
I'm excited to see a L4D2- and B4B-like mobile game coming out. You could co-op with others to enjoy wiping out the zombies. Hope the developers could add more kinds of zombies and maybe lower the difficulty a little bit...
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for iPhone? This game would be sick, if anyone likes surviving zombies waves/rounds and making a base this is the game for you. Make it mobile please and thank you.
This Upcoming Game Is Like Left 4 Dead Mobile!!
Dead 4 Returns is an upcoming zombie survival Co-op game for mobile and the gameplay shown off so far in the Alpha test have given off some major Left 4 Dead/World War Z vibes!! Make sure to like and subscribe for more videos! Follow my social media’s for notifications on when I’m uploading and to keep in touch 🙏 - Discord: https://discord.gg/r8TbkEZYA5 Twitter: https://twitter.com/jaboosle
If you want play pc type of zombies survival game on mobile. This for you. Graphic pretty awesome. Mechanism of zombies pretty good. They jump form window and try grab if you try to run. Awesom
samosa gamer2K2023-11-13
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