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Sword Art Online Variant Showdown
Great game needs some improvements

Great game needs some improvements

3K View2022-06-21
Has great combat, amazing designs, and the only thing it needs is optimizations.
Scouting for more characters gets laggy and waiting 5 minutes to play a new level or event is really frustrating. I can definitely see people leaving this game for the extreme waits between different levels. If it gets optimized, i can definitely see a lot more playing this game.
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I love this game already. It's in beta and they need optimize the game. I even can't play it on max frame rate whit 12 + 12 ram but overall i like story, quests, animations. Will see what this game can offer in future. I thinking this game will be huge in future if they listening in player base. 🔥 And will not make it pay to win. 
Overall it's an awesome game with interesting mechanisms and potential for being one of the awesome mmorpg games BUT it really Really need to optimize some stuff: 1. needs a setting and graphic adjustment 2. Optimize the low FPS and reduce the lag of the game 3.needs to add an auto Aiming feature so the character don't keep missing his moves and skills (at least in pve mode ) 4. Add more levels to the game
This game has considerable potential, the combat mechanics here are quite smooth, it's just that the UI is still not pleasing to look at and the writing is also very small so it's difficult to read. If they add some other cool events and do advertising for this game, I think many players will play it.
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