sobasically a list of all the rythm games i've played and why i like them
It's a rythm games where you can be an idol as you Please! I really love the designs.
i love the story line and character designs but It's just a classic rythm game wuth bad english.
It's a really fun game with multiple story lines, i love it alot
following the story line of the anime season 1 and 2 of it with some personal twists! I really like it!
Ability to perform as any character as well as following and original story line with hints and twists from the anime
the story line is nice as we as the way you play it, It's general and classic but i like it
the original way of rythm gaming is very nice!
i loved the anime so i just had to play the game and i loved it!!
just playing as a dj and everything ahhhh i love it
the classic but unique way of rythm gaming and thw music is just heaven
a wide range of vocaloid's and their info as well as music
and also to promote my self
play on America server