If you feel Hua Ling needs a nerf, I think I can prove she actually needs to be fixed. In a video titled ‘The reason Hua Ling always headshots you’ on TapTap, I demonstrate just how far above Hua Ling can aim above a targets head and still headshot. Spoiler alert, it’s absurdly high.
I encourage everyone to discover this for themselves by going into practice mode with Hua Ling and in mid to close range (2-4 meters), see how far you can aim above mark’s head and still headshot him.
Some might be inclined to argue, "it’s just bullet drop." But in mid to close range, the bullet drop isn’t this severe and the trajectory of the arrow visually passes over mark’s head, hit the wall behind him and still headshots.
I’m drawing as much attention to this as possible because the developers responded to my report and said this was an "intentional design" and I was wondering how other players feel about the unfair advantage that is the reason Hua Ling headshots with excessive consistency. I think it’s time players stop asking to nerf Hua Ling and instead say #FixHuaLing
Link to video https://www.taptap.io/video/2149541927