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Diablo Immortal
Give the Players a Baby Bottle. You get a Trophy.

Give the Players a Baby Bottle. You get a Trophy.

134 View2022-07-17
The game is absolutely outstanding all around! I love it! From the gear swapping to the fast travel spaces to the bosses, it's potential is greater than any other mobile game I've ever played! And that's not even counting the graphics or dialog!
Unfortunately the worst part of the game was always going to be unavoidable, the players and their sense of entitlement for perfection. Gamers are impossible to please. You  can do everything right and give them everything they ask for but they'll still find something to complain about, over exaggerate, fabricate a made up problem and demand the moon as compensation. They're unreasonable, unrealistic, undeserving of the platforms and voice they have and I have to wonder how fast their opinions would change if everyone held them to the same unrealistic expectations.
If I see a problem with something, I report it because I want to see how much better it could be with all the minor issues fixed. I don't go all fire and brimstone when I don't get my way. I don't expect a game to be perfect when it first comes out, in the same way I didn't expect to get all the questions right on a test I didn't study for. I wanted to see how many things I could get right so I knew what I needed to focus on after. I see games the same way.
In conclusion, this is the best start to a game I've seen in a long time. Outstanding job. I'd give you a trophy if I could, and the stuck up entitled babies, yeah I'd throw them a bottle. Maybe they'll stop crying so much.
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Gra'nz III
Gra'nz III Author

You want a bottle kid? You're making up excuses on their behalf so they never have to achieve their potential and when things aren't perfect and intant you can just say its a bad game and rain fire and brimstone on them all because they didn't give you everything you wanted the second you wanted it, like an impatient greedy little child. We're both doing the same thing except I want them to reach their potential because I think they have a lot to offer, you just want to be right. Now to break down everything you said: 1, Not everyone has good intentions nor do they have any foresight. They're just entitled babies crying over little things because they didn't get their way and giving reviews that alter different aspects when most of them aren't even the demographic. Not everyone should have the privilege of having a voice. 2, I'm fairly new to Diablo. I've only been playing for about ten years now. Despite only playing the third game, I've spent countless hours listening to the lore of the previous games on YouTube. (Also, did you see the profile picture? I drew that like five years ago and still use it. So there's that) 2.5, By reporting, I was referring to bugs and glitches. If I see something that can be improved upon, I don't just assume they know, I make sure by informing them. 3, Yes it will. For example, I've been with Fallout 76 since the start and a lot of the bug fixing updates were due to players reporting problems. Originally it seemed like a really broken game. Now it doesn't. My friends and I regularly have conversations about things we'd like to see changed or added into the game and if it's a decent idea we'll post it on a Facebook group and see if our peers see anything wrong with it. If not, someone gets into contact with the company and sends them the pitch. 4, I guess the term "Casual Player" is a lost concept to you. I didn't go into this with any expectations whatsoever. I just wanted to try out a new game to break the monotony and I found one I liked. simple as that.



what an excellent, thoughtful post, I couldn't agree more! My outlay is $14.99 on the enhanced BP, and not a dime more. I'm para 456, Dmg 8553 and CR 9213, playing in H7. Of COURSE there are those with much higher stats, but few who pay virtually nothing. I earned every bit of what ive achieved and this in itself is CLEAR testament to The world class nature of the game that actually allows players to be competitive! Not to sound snarky, but those who do nothing with their time online other than complaining about things that are patently untrue haven't understood their classes at all, and how best to play them. Ive been MMOing since opening night of EverQuest vanilla in '98, and every single subsequent MMO. and DI is right up there among the very best. Truly a world class product !


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ive never played a game that has nothing but good characters game play fun, graphics perfect for the game, stages fun guns and abilities amazing and the rewards don't get me started so far no bugs ive come across like there is truly nothing I can ask for its nice to see a game where you actually have to grind to lv up but I understand when it actually comes out you will probably be able too buy things I'm not mad at all tho the team that developed this game deserves every dollar that comes there way
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100+ hours into the game and I can say that this is one of the best mobile games. 1) The physics are the best I've seen till date, especially the ball...love beating the **** out of it. 2) Since it's the first season,the devs didn't hesitate to give out multiple skins and animations for free along with funny emotes, especially the egg 🥚 ones😂. 3) The game gives a refreshing feeling to all the generic auto-rpg trash we're getting from past few months.
The game is fun! There are still some things missing, such as: Me when I see a new Indie game, I'm extremely happy and looking forward to it. Because most of the time, they will have something that games from big companies don't currently have. Quality content. And when I say that, I mean the soundtrack, a story for each step and strategy, in addition to well-crafted characters, scenarios and so on...
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