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The best VN you'll ever play.

The best VN you'll ever play.

1K View2022-07-17
This is the best VN I've ever played, great story writing, and really good art style fits it perfectly, don't even get me started at the music, the music is just so great, it is like getting served luxurious steak. The best of the best VNs out there. For those who have not yet played this, get your legs movin' and play this!
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One of the best VN games, I've ever played, it lacks certain aspects that you would search (like VA), but the story is so good, that you would get captivated by it before thinking about the voices.
What a wonderful experience the game is, the beautiful art style, the soothing sounds, plus the touching storyline. I'm quite fond of the simple puzzle mechanics wrapped in beautiful art, this game is perfect to play before bedtime or just to find peace (with the original soundtrack of course). I'm absolutely blown away by the game, I'm so thankful for the team's hard work!!! I wish I could find a similar game like this and I really love the soundtrack. I highly recommend that you play this game!
This VN Cured My Mortality.
For those who haven't installed this masterpiece of a visual novel, I recommend you install this VN. Mind-blowing and great story writing and lastly, the music, the music is so good. And, for those who hate this visual novel, please, give this another chance and yes, it is that good. The characters, the plot twist, the story and the music, it is so great. The author and developer deserves my money, it  was so worth it. I love this VN, and I love all the characters especially the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma. 
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