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Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile (Only Available in JP)
Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile (Only Available in JP) - Tsundere Enthusiast 's Posts - TapTap

1K View2022-08-04
so you get 1 guaranteed ssr, then it's locked behind paid gems, then you have 180 pity, & when you pull 50 & get nothing, it starts getting boring. It's ok but I don't play gachas just to constantly pull nothing.
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Dante Dean
Dante Dean

how to play what VPN you using I have it downloaded already please help


Tsundere Enthusiast
Tsundere Enthusiast Author

I didn't use vpn


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well i got 2x of rate up hero and other 3 ssr aside from the guaranteed, so,a total of 6? i'm happy enough. just need to wait for those 2 another ssr from mission and login ;)


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Straight up bad experience with the gacha. After 4 different accounts all with the initial login rewards (5-6 10x pulls and enough currency for another 30..) I did not receive a single SSR. Besides the one or two you get from the tutorial draw, I had to get my first one through a pity summon. That's strike #1. Played for awhile and obtained enough currency and items to do another 80 pulls and still didn't get another SSR even with increased banner rates... strike #2. Upon succumbing to the weakness of looking through the paid shop; I realized you could get an SSR for the low price of 120Y. But quickly realized this game does not allow anyone outside of Japan(any other country's Google play account) to buy anything.. super flippin lame and honestly just  disappointment in the creator; strike #3 and I'm out. In conclusion this game is not for me, and I'll never try it again.
Thought gacha system is better than genshin, but no. It's True that you will get more gacha currency but chances of getting SSR weapon is very bad , like more than half of the player base re rolled many time for lucky accounts. In tof , the luck to ur account is fixed. Like if u r getting more SSRs before pity it will be the same. If only got 2SSRs even after pity it continue the same for next 80 pulls. So  i suggest re rolling for lucky accounts before you decide to waste your time for nothing.
The worst gacha game that I have ever played. Rate in a single(x10) pull to guarantee a six star/ssr/ancient/epic/legendary/limited or whatever its called in every game = 0.028%.
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