This social deduction game is not for me. The main hook of the game is that every player has a unique role, and while that seemed exciting at first, I soon saw the folly in it. The moment any information role mentions you, you have to claim your role. There's usually no regular villager role to hide behind, and you can't claim a dead player's role, since those are revealed upon death. Often, you'll claim a random role, the player with that role counterclaims, and you are voted out, or worse, shot by the Gunner. Throw in multiple of said information roles of varying strength, one or more protective roles, and a solo killer that can gain control stupidity fast, and you have a game that is designed to make being the werewolf unfun, which is the last thing you want in a werewolf game. It's a shame too, since the game has the roles and resources to be both balanced and chaotic, so why they kept this frustrating design around for so long boggles my mind.
Jaythan Garza5032022-02-17