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Honest Review!

4K View2022-08-07
i think i already did review on this trash gameor its removed.
1. Dynamic system. Quick pace gameplay.
2.  Support low device (32-bit what you expect?)
3. Could afford top up by co-op local payment or  region payment such c*dash*p(its china made make sure you support ccp by top up)
1. Imbalance matchmaking (low grade player vs top grade player based on total match, emblem level much more)
2. Scam player (developer doesn't care your opinion if you didn't top up. More top up more hidden privilege you got.)
3. Pay 2 win ( skin have bonus dmg, +8 small  you think? Well match said 200% dmg skill x8 still kick ya butt buddy)
4. Design. (Its like 2 edge sword, design is made of unity, you know unity problem, animation sometimes tricky especially tower and wall.)
5. Hero skill disappointing (most of hero skill made of mix other characters skill, also other game skill. Example? Beattix, made of lesley, irithel and absolutely mah dude clint and etc, btw revamp is scam)
6. Stolen idea ( as it said from character design to its core absolute no genuine, thank for suing LoL)
7. Toxic community ( painful sh*t, 90% game play whereyour teammate abandoned you to die to roasting your skill so nøob as f you will see how friendly their streamer right? BECAUSE THEY PAID TO PROMOTE IT. TWO  FACED BABY!  Get friend to play together and roast em back)
NEW update for no. 7 Developer want to keep their money from game safe to paid their loan for their lambo. To maintain "Friendly" gameplay they mute every stupid  word such LoL because their mod is no education on foreign language but cheap to paid so weird sh*t random mute happened. So you must PRETEND HAPPY IN GAME.
Summary. Its does have freebies but mostly scam, collection stuff for event removed from your inventory for 30BP-50bp so next SIMILAR event you need re-do from zero (no win looser) If you wanna killing time and enjoy roasting 6yrs kld kids this game worth it (the only entertaining is roasting your teammates stupidity). And dont expect you will become "top player" because this game Fake from beginning.
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it's a game for masochist


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this is damn true :v


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Log Storm
Log Storm

I agree that the matchmaking sucks, and the report system. But the majority of the time I don't use skins with my heroes and I don't see that much difference in my gameplay, like the 8+ dmg will be helpful every 1/1000000 chances



Leora Moonton matchmaking system and reporting system


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❗❗❗❗❗EVERYONE LOOKOUT MY REVIEW THIS WILL BE VERY HELP FULL FOR NEW PLAYERS READ FULL❗❗❗❗❗❗I rate this game 3 star bcoz the developers are focus on money I think....players who spend lot of money is always god...free players are like just wandering around the map and gather build kill repeat....there is no other things....free players weapons deal low damage....but if you buy a new gun with epic skin it can deal a massive damage to hostiles and kill with in a sec....in missions with online players our teams or enemies will be paid players who has powerful skin, Armor,healing and much more things where free players didn't get and they will be win or mvp every match bcoz we have skill but no money 😭....can anybody suggest me a game same like this but better than this please 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼😭😭.
PITCH BLACK1302024-04-24
It used to be good game before 2.0 patch after that 👎 Cons:  the UI is just lag, and i hate the double banner so much like the recent banner in global they put 2 character i want on the same banner so i can choose only one and even if i got 2 of them well i can say good bye to their funtion and all my star for upcoming character and the increase pull from 70 to guarantee 90 pull came out is you just keep losing 50/50 nearly everytime we win one, worse of all even the funtion of character is over price 70 pull so say good bye to it f2p and 🎮 Gameplay:  it kinda menh just spam skill enough and enemy will die no combat or whatever so 🕹️ Controls: you can't change character mid game play, well i know it want to be deferent from other gacha but it still kinda suck ya know when your teamate got cool skill and you can't switch to them and another worse thing is for some player sometime when enter game analysis file, pls wait and well i do wait for 30mn and it still not finished untill i deleted game and re-download it that it came back to normal, 👍 Pros: two good thing i can give to this game is character design and it good story mode, and well one more one event kinda give us many star but at the same time they increase price of character and shorter banner time from normal gacha 1 month to 16 day overall 📖 Storyline: 9/10 🎮 Gameplay: 6.5/10 🕹️ Controls: 6/10 🎨 Graphics: 8/10 🎵 Sound: 10/10 💰 Value for Money: 2/10 🎬 Presentation: 7/10
👍 Pros: well, good as it looks, very appealing. Mechanism is good but not really getting easier to understand. Character abilities and such are also like it's obvious to have something instead of having them aimlessly. Best thing is they removed gun abilities which annoyed me and made me quit. Graphics is clean, like it's good and best part is game is playable for low-end phones. Which is good considering, play store has lots of games that's either incompatible nor playable for them. In terms of events, I'm not sure about it, I hardly had a look.
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