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Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile (Only Available in JP)
Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile (Only Available in JP) - • \ Lotus / •'s Posts - TapTap

901 View2022-08-10
So hyped for this, awesome looking and promising.
One of my Fav Animes of all time. Although to be honest i dont play turn-based games so often, but this is something else(for me at least). I'm only sad that it didn't came out for global version, but looking forward to release soon I hope.
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gThis game is good, especially because I love cats and anime, so I like this game even more, the game is also light, not too heavy like other turn base games, hopefully it will be released soon
This game is worth waiting for!!
This game looks amazing, even if it's not an open world. It has similarities to some games I already played. The graphics were neat and clear. And by just seeing its preview, I know many players will surely love this, especially those anime lovers. It's a type of game that's worth recommending to friends. It really looks promising. I will definitely wait for it to be released.
I've heard about this game a few months ago from a youtuber, and I've been excited for it since I saw the visuals and promos. I was not disappointed at all, as the story is interesting, the voice overs are good, the music is just exquisite (!!) and the art is so, sooo pleasing to look at. (The gacha rate is generous in my experience, and I have actually played a couple of turn-based games like these in the past). All in all, it's become my favorite game as of late!
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