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Eternal Evolution
Ancient Altar Guide - Eternal Evolution

Ancient Altar Guide - Eternal Evolution

2K View2022-08-11
This guide explains the mechanics of the boss in the Ancient Altar and provides some tips.
The guide is divided into:
I: General,
II: The Bosses,
III: Recommended Team Lineup
If you have any questions about the guide, you can contact Twinkie#2253 on Discord.
Status: 26.07.2022
I: General
1. General
The Ancient altar is about defeating three bosses with three different teams. In each individual attempt, two mini-bosses are fought first and then the actual boss. None of the bosses have to be defeated in one attempt. The more damage you inflict on the mini bosses, the weaker the final boss becomes. The rewards scale based on the damage done to the final boss. If the final boss of a difficulty level is defeated, the next difficulty level can be started. If you don't manage to defeat the boss in one attempt, you can start again with another ticket. The life points of the two mini bosses are reset, but not those of the final boss.
You get rewards for every ticket you use.
Game mode resets every Tuesday and Saturday with the daily reset. With the reset you get 3 tickets. Each time, up to 2 more tickets can be bought with diamonds. This is highly recommended.
There are five levels of difficulty. After the reset, the mode will reset, but all previously achieved difficulty levels will remain unlocked.
2. Rewards
After each battle you receive rewards in the form of recruitment cards, equipment (sets of 4) and runes.
You will also receive rewards for damage dealt to the boss at the reset. These rewards are available for each difficulty level. If you completely defeat a boss, you get double the rewards.
Additionally, there are certain achievements with one-time rewards.
In order to get as many rewards as possible, it makes sense to only play difficulties from normal from the second time onwards. However, this does not apply to beginners who cannot complete normal and hard with a total of five tickets. However, if you manage, for example, normal and hard in one attempt, you should use your remaining three tickets on hell, since you can also get the rewards there (including the mythical runes) multiple times.
For most players it is not worthwhile to play easy, since the epic runes available there can be obtained in the arenas. Therefore, try to complete normal to hell.
II: The Bosses 
1. First Boss
The fight begins with the first boss, for which you have 90 seconds. This boss has two active skills: it spawns four smaller enemies and it deals damage to the whole team. The final boss also has the latter skill. The more damage you inflict on the first boss, the weaker the skill on the final boss.
All three bosses can be played on auto, although you may be able to inflict slightly more damage on manual.
2. Second Boss
You also have 90 seconds for the second boss. This one also has two active skills: it deals damage to an opponent, favoring clones, and it lets itself gain a shield. The final boss also adapts the second skill here and it can also be weakened.
3. Third Boss (Final Boss)
This boss is the strongest of the three and the hardest to defeat. It has more skills than the two previous bosses: three passive skills that strengthen him over time or deal damage after a certain time as well as an active skill that damages all heroes and also the two skills of the first two bosses. These two skills are weaker when you have dealt a certain amount of damage to the mini bosses and are removed completely when you defeat them.
Only by defeating the third boss can the difficulty level be completed.
III: Recommended Team Lineup
1. For the First Boss
Since this boss spawns multiple enemies that deal high damage, it is recommended to use heroes that deal AOE damage. Furthermore, a healer and a tank help. Instead of three AOE heroes, a single target or support hero and two AOE heroes can also be used.
Also, assassins might be useful.
Rota is particularly suitable as a commander. Other commanders can still be used depending on the team. Prototypes should also be chosen appropriately.
2. For the Second Boss
Due to the skill of this boss, which deals high damage and attacks clones first, at least one hero that can spawn clones should be used. Khalazza or Randall are recommended.
However, the boss can also be defeated without such a hero. The aim here is to test what works better for yourself.
The rest of the team should include a tank or a melee hero and single target heroes for maximum damage.
Brynhild and Gautier are particularly recommended as commanders (depending on the team). Prototypes should also be chosen appropriately.
3. For the Third Boss (Final Boss)
This boss is the hardest of the three and has a lot of life points. While the first two bosses are not unimportant, since this one is the only one that gives rewards and must be defeated, you should use your strongest damage dealers here.
However, it is also important to test how it works best for you. It may be useful or helpful to shift the focus towards the mini-bosses.
So that your own heroes don't die, a tank and a healer are also recommended. Rez is also very suitable as a support.
DD Tierlist: Nadilus, Emma - Taylor, Bailey Hudson - Sorietta - other heroes
Support Tierlist: Masrani, Rez - Serena - Liran - other heroes
Any commander apart from Rota can be useful here. It also depends on the team here. When it comes to prototypes, it's also a good idea to use the best ones you have.
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