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進撃の巨人 Brave Order
I fully recommend this game.

I fully recommend this game.

3K View2022-08-16
idk why every review is shitting on the game for its genre, go play AoT2 if you want to go fight titans 🙄.
The game has not been globally released yet, so it's only in Japanese. But with Google translate you can get the hang if everything pretty easy
If you enjoyed AoTTactics (rip), MHUI or even FEH, you'll enjoy this game. It pull rates are so much better than other gacha games (Its on par with FEH), it has events quite often for exp and materials, and the character designs are adorable. Unfortunately units don't gain exp every battle and leveling your tactics level outside certain events takes some grinding but this game makes that easier with being able to turn on auto battle and let's you turn a level on repeat up to 100 times and giving free coins and level up materials everyday and being able to earn them from events and challenges. Like every other gacha games the story mode is the only consistent way to earn gems for the gachas which sucks, but they do give you a lot of free gems. If none of those reasons convinced you, there's Neko units. Cat Mikasa. Cat Levi. Cat Hange.
some tips
-don't randomly change your tactics level, stick to one for awhile. If you arent at a certain level story progression gets blocked and so you can't get gems from that and you can't get through some of the challenges that give you gems.
-look at the wiki to see what units focus on leveling, team making, and  what gachas are worth it. The wiki is linked in game, in the menu at the bottom in the community section.
-google translate is your bestie.
-join a clan, there's an eng on you can find on the reddit.You'll have to join one for a mission.
I dont know how anyone write reviews on here it's so glitchy :(
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wow you make me really wanna play this game



ure an angel


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Opinion: one of the best gacha games 👍 Pros: free to play (of course you still need to save your resources) , hero gacha is usually not a big problem since you got enough to pity most heroes released (moonlight heroes - heroes with element light and dark - excluded) when you been played for a while , PvP give all players opportunity to win against even stronger players (this is also a con, mention later), devs give quite much reward in events, new player event is real good
Overall is a great game. Free sweep/skip battle, easy daily quests, bgm is really good, great characters with personality, hilarious story, cute L2D, giving a lot of gems, nice dev. However, gacha can be painful (not always), and the dev did sensor robot boobs. Give it a chance, this game also supports reroll. take your time, and enjoy. Pvp suck by the way, don't worry about that
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