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Vainglory - サミュエル_Samyueru's Posts - TapTap

1K View2022-08-17
EEverything was good about this even in 3v3 but the problem was they should have make 5v5 map before Mobile Legends was popular. Most of us who like MoBa like to play large and 5v5.  Sad it was the most realistic and closest to DOTA
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agreed, but i think the biggest downfall was trying to copy ML controls. the thing that set VG apart was that the tap controls demanded skill for stutter stepping your auto attacks and felt intuitive for aiming on a touch screen. instead of having faith in their intuitive control design they copied ML out of fear and broke the game, it got so glitchy after that


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Mobile Legends was the best online game 5v5 its so good📖 S
Jeymar Rivera102024-04-14
Arena of valor is another game by Level Infinite, these guys are so desperate to ripoff anything that is famous or trending, every single game developed by Level Infinite is just a copy of a batter game or a trash game, the only goal of there game is to make a trash game and put pay wall in it, Arena of valor is also another example of there trash game, I have been playing Lol (wild Rift) (Mobile legends) and this this nightmare Arena of valor, the only reason I'm doing this is because I wanted to figure out which is the best Moba game on smart phone, lol wild rift is also a very disappointing game since it requires so much bullshit VPN to even install, and mobile legends which I always though is worse turn out to be much batter moba game, and this garbage is so basic that people are selecting heros and spamming he same skills from the start of the game until the end, no strategy no item nothing can work if the hero is cheep it is cheep no matter what, this game has such a trash AI that player will say anything and then they report you and then will get banned because of the report, the game crash and then ur banned because of leaving a match,
Arena of valor is another game by Level Infinite, these guys are so desperate to ripoff anything that is famous or trending, every single game developed by Level Infinite is just a copy of a batter game or a trash game, the only goal of there game is to make a trash game and put pay wall in it, Arena of valor is also another example of there trash game, I have been playing Lol (wild Rift) (Mobile legends) and this this nightmare Arena of valor, the only reason I'm doing this is because I wanted to figure out which is the best Moba game on smart phone, lol wild rift is also a very disappointing game since it requires so much bullshit VPN to even install, and mobile legends which I always though is worse turn out to be much batter moba game, and this garbage is so basic that people are selecting heros and spamming he same skills from the start of the game until the end, no strategy no item nothing can work if the hero is cheep it is cheep no matter what, this game has such a trash AI that player will say anything and then they report you and then will get banned because of the report, the game crash and then ur banned because of leaving a match, This game is worse then LoL wild rift when it comes to simple okay style, all u need is to just press 3 skills, just like in lol wild rift, just use the skill you die or enemy die, And people compare these garbage with Dota 2, and I don't believe I'm saying this,, but these trash game can't even reach the mobile legend, Which is hilarious since I always trash mobile legend when I use to play Vainglory,,
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