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2K View2022-09-02
ready your money boys because its not  FREE!
Hey y’all!
We know you’ve got some questions and we tried to answer some of them here for you.
> __***Q: Is TABS Mobile going to be a pay-to-win game?***__
> Not at all! TABS Mobile will be the pocket edition that is pretty much the same as PC and console versions. The game will be a pay-to-download with all the same content from the original.
> __***Q: When is the game going to be released?***__
> Currently the game’s mobile version is still under XD’s development. The mobile version will have quite a bit more kinks to iron out compared to the console versions to bring the authentic TABS experience. Therefore we can’t give a clear launch window. Probably shouldn’t start holding your breath just yet!
> However before the launch happens, we’ll invite a bunch of TABS players from our communities for playtesting to make sure everything is nice and smooth! Please REGISTER @https://www.taptap.io/app/233395 to get notified for future BETA Test info and more dev updates.
> *__**Q: Will there be new factions?**__*
> Do you guys want new factions? Yeah, we can probably do new factions on mobile. 😉
> *__**Q: Will there be cross-platform?**__*
> Yes and no. The mobile versions will have cross-platform among each other (Android and iOS), however the mobile versions will not have cross-platform with the PC and console versions.
> __***Q: What about the performance? Will the mobile version be able to handle the massive battles?***__
> It is true that mobile hardware performance is inferior to that of PCs, but in our preliminary tests so far, the game’s performance on mobile has been better than we had expected and we’re going to be doing heaps of performance optimization, so that the mobile version can still support many units simultaneously. We'll also be releasing some mobile footage as we go. No cause for worry, you’ll see!
> *__**Q: What are the minimum device requirements for TABS Mobile?**__*
> We will be optimizing the game in accordance to the general community feedback and their average mobile specs, not to worry! Besides, we’ll also present the players with the option to adjust the graphical quality within the game in a similar fashion to the PC version to better cater to different types of devices. We hope to make TABS Mobile playable for as many players as possible!
> ***__Q: Will the mobile version support mods?__***
> Well this is a good question! Currently we are working hard on porting the base game to mobile. Though we understand that mod plays an important role in the orginal PC version, when it comes to mobile, there are some uncertainties regarding platform limitations and higher performance requirements.
> In the future development, we will put efforts into mobile mod support to try to provide mobile players with some cool mods that are compatible with the platform. This is still our initial rough idea but we will keep you guys updated when there's any progress on it!
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shad the box
shad the box

Tabs on taptap is free don't be a idiot


Bacons Author

bruh first time in taptap and acting like he own it🤡


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Joven Galora
Joven Galora



Bacons Author

no announcement yet


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omar hazem
omar hazem

when it will realese?


Bacons Author

no announcement yet


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Hey y’all! We understand you guys might have a lot of questions and some concerns about Totally Accurate Battle Simulator going mobile! We totally see where you’re coming from and want to address some of the questions and put your mind at ease. So without further ado, here we go! Q: Is TABS Mobile going to be a pay-to-win game? A: Not at all! TABS Mobile will be the pocket edition that is pretty much the same as PC and console versions. The game will be a pay-to-download with all the same content from the original.
Mini Mammoth37K2022-07-23
For the record, this game is fun and amazing. I do recommend playing as a pc player, this version will be the same with the option to change the graphics just like the pc version. For the people asking in the ratings section, the game is NOT free and so will cost money to play like the pc or console versions. Please stop asking the developers of the mobile version of tabs to make the game free as landfall is an indie game company who need to earn money for their company and the company bringing this game to mobile. There is also no release date at this time as the game is still in development so please stop asking them that and look into the frequently asked question where they answer most of the important questions.
Tabs good news
So guys since the past time I’ve texted I didn’t know as much about things about the mobile version of tabs but I can tell you that good things are well to come. They might release it sometime this year hopefully earlier this year and give this beautiful game to us, and they are working on it superbly and they are doing well. So the game might be close but don’t yet let your breath out because I and the other’s still don’t know yet when the game is to come.
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