It is good but the ping either makes the enemy player easy to kill or easily get killed because the one lagging's avatar placement while lagging is unpredictable and easily mistaken for cheats when the oke not lagging is behind a wall, the one lagging can easily kill you because your avatar to them is frozen, it's not fair in the slightest. Speaking of not fair, there are still quite a few that cheat in the game and when playing competitive you loose points even if there's someone cheating, these should be a REPORT CHEAT Function or a better cheat detection system even though it invalidates it in the match history, it doesn't give the points back. Back to the ping, I belive some people intentionally pick the worst ping servers o they can exploit the ping and ruining the fun, the ping is unpredictable, sometimes you can't move, sometimes everything just freezes and again giving high ping players a huge advantage when their screen is moving but their character isn't and the non lagging players die mysteriously.
The ping detection is bad, even though it detects 300+ ping on someone, they seemed to do just fine and those who have less than 100 ping does have problems.
The cheat system now works, but it will take at minimum a full day to give you the points back
they need to fix the Knife system it's so bad, enemy kifining u over & over when their on 300 ping is crazzy
If they're not disconnecting and freezing, they're hacking I'm pretty sure, even if there's an anti cheat, it doesn't stop them, i get some every now and then