
Games worth discovering

Streets of Rage 4


15K View2022-09-07
Hello I'm Ginisis Droid and this is my review of streets of rage 4,,
Streets of rage series has been one of the greatest beat'em up games of 90s, released exclusively on Sega genesis street of rage 1 was big achievement for home console against Nintendo,,,
Since its cyber punk style world and challenging gameplay, streets of rage become one of the most well loved franchise in 90s for Sega genesis fans,
And I was also one of those guys who loved this game from button of my heart because of amazing it was for being a pixel art game it has so much surprising things that even arcade games back then didn't had,, any way enough for the history lesson let me tell you about this game now,,
Streets of rage 4 is released almost 26 years after Street of rage 3 and still it its successfully win all of the fan and new to the series heart with high praise,,
          +++++Graphics_Art Style & Music +++++
Streets of rage 4 unlike classic have cell shaded graphics and everything is hand drawn!
The beautiful characters animation and move animation even the background is just marvelous and it's all because of excellent talent and love put into it, everything is just so vibrant and colorful that I just end up staying in one place and admire the beauty of this game,
There is one things every Street of rage fan agree on is that no matter which part you play the music always has been out of the world when it comes to streets of rage, in fact Sega genesis biggest strength was the music after all and it's no surprise all game from 90s known for there great music, sonic series is an example of that,,,
Streets of rage 4 music are just as awesome in fact I would say Street of rage 4 music are far more superior then its classic version, I have the entire collection of the music on my phone and it's my favorite list to listen when I talk a long walk at night,
It's just superb music and I Love IT 😍😍,
                       +++++ Gameplay +++++
I will be honest classic Streets of rage never been fair game specially for now day gamers since gaming is so easy now days that every game is like fast forward or RPG, level up and u r a batter player,
But back when Sega lunched a game, every game was a souls like game to be honest, game was unfair and hard unless you are very skill on playing that game and that was the real beauty of the gaming,,       so streets of rage was not to far away from those kind of game where enemies are just annoyingly strong and fast and if u don't know there weakness you can even hit them,,
I was never big fan of these cheep enemy design but since I played these game and I'm glad to say that streets of rage 4 dont have any of that kind of cheep enemies or bosses, this time the game is very well balanced and its still about skill which is why this game is just so amazing, you can literally kill a boss with a single combo if you are skill player!
And that's just crazy, i can talk about the combat system so much that my finger start hurt typing all the details 😅,
                      +++++ My Though +++++
Side scrolling game have a special palace in my heart and streets of rage is one of the reason why I love side scrolling games, and I'm so happy with the release of android version of this game because I play this game anywhere whenever I'm free which is just therapy for me 😂,,
And this game is just 10 out of 10 no question,
                  +++++ About me +++++
I'm a hardcore gamer since my childhood I have been playing games on all console and PC, and I always loved to talk about games and its been a dream of mine to review games and listen other people opinion about the games,,
So please let me know what you think of my review and follow my on my YouTube and FB page,
I'm still not sure about making voiced reviews but if u think I can then please let me know, even one comment is a huge help to motivate me to work more harder and do more reviews,
My Allah bless you all,
Mentioned games

played street of rage 2&3 on my SEGA mega driver over 50 hours. still miss the good old days. thanks for bringing the memory back. i will try it out.


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Ginisis Author

Haaaa those days are just gold my friend, but this game is just a great achievement and it deserves to be praise


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