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Trucking Star
Trucking Star - Vonage's Posts - TapTap

2K View2022-09-15
This is sad. I've waited for so long to play this highly anticipated game but can't. The game is only in Chinese. We in America are having log in issues, which I'm sure your aware of. I feel disconnected and  discriminated against by this. I  don't know what else to say without offending someone. So I'm cancelling TapTap. Half the games I can't play because of the language anyway, and it seems like the app development just don't give a dam if your not Chinese and I'm sic of it.
I wish I could play and review.
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Vonage Author

thanks for the info. but it still a bummer. like we don't play or nah?



To all of you who are having trouble logging in to Truck tycoon go to YouTube on either of these channels Royal Truckers YT or Onroad games they'll give you tutorials on how to log in


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Taptap is a huge dumbass at updating info. Chinese servers of this game were terminated long ago, there will be NO English version.
костя поваляев1382024-04-18
I'm glad taptap has an english version The character design and the plot is very good i love it I recommend you if you want to play this game And can i know please, when will taptap going to update this game because right now is already version 1.0.9 and I'm still version 1.0.8 Please update this game
your mom7722023-04-24
I have been looking for this game but somehow another in app Store it couldn't let me download so my friend introduced me to this app, TapTap. I was very surprised that they even have the English version so I could understand what the game is talking.
I'm Chae Hyun1K2022-11-25
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